SkyPlus (Sky)
2024-01-04 11:32:52※ 引述《polanco (polanco)》之铭言:
: Prosecutors in the Dominican Republic accused Wander Franco today of commercial
: sexual exploitation and money laundering following allegations of a relationship
: with a minor. He remains under arrest. The investigation is still ongoing.
: From The AP …
: https://twitter.com/Alden_Gonzalez/status/1742734180008816902
: 多米尼加的检察官今天以商业性剥削以及洗钱罪起诉Wander Franco,此前他是被指控与未
: 成年人发生关系。
: 目前Franco已被逮捕,调查仍在进行中。
: 哇
: 所以他做的事情远比我们一开始想的还要严重
The Public Ministry says that Wander Franco, after having
relations with the 14-year-old girl, began paying monthly payments
of 100 thousand pesos to the girl's mother. In addition, Wander's
mother made 3 transfers to the teenager's mother. 2 of 500
thousand and one of 1 million. Via
在两人发生关系后, Wander Franco每个月都给那女生的妈妈 100,000 pesos
(1,723.17 USD) 而且 Franco 妈妈分别转了三笔钱给女生妈妈:
500,000 pesos (8,615.86 USD) 两次与 1M pesos (17,231.72 USD) 一次