TODAY: The conditional option comes into play if deGrom undergoes a Tommy John s
urgery or any sort of right elbow/shoulder injury during the 2023-26 seasons tha
t keeps him on the injured list for 130 consecutive days during any season, or 1
86 days in a row during any service period, according to The Associated Press.
The 2028 conditional option is worth at least $20MM, but that number jumps to $3
0MM if deGrom pitches at least 625 innings during the life of the contract or fi
nishes in the top five in Cy Young voting. Should he pitch at least 725 innings
and record at least three top-five Cy Young finishes, the option will be worth
$37MM. If deGrom doesn’t meet these specifications in 2023-26, the option can
still be worth $37MM in 2028 if he pitches 160+ innings in 2027, has a top-five
Cy Young voting finish, and is judged by an independent doctor to be healthy hea
ding into 2028.
Jacob deGrom第六年选择权条件
为啥要地瓜在合约中动过Tommy John等手术缺席超过一定天数
才会让conditional option comes into play