[分享] 中职 韩职 两联盟球员挖角协议

楼主: suzhou (☂☁☁☁☂)   2018-01-17 01:49:49
1) When a CPBL professional baseball club (hereinafter referred to
as a “CPBL club”) wishes to contact and engage a KBO professional
baseball player (hereinafter referred to as an “KBO player”) the
CPBL Club shall first determine the status and availability of the
KBO player by communicating with the KBO Commissioner
through the CPBL Commissioner. The KBO Commissioner shall
notify the CPBL Commissioner of the player’s status and
2) If the KBO player is not under contract to, reserved by, or on
any inactive list or on any drafted list of a KBO baseball club
(hereinafter referred to as “KBO club”), the KBO Commissioner
shall so notify the CPBL Commissioner and the CPBL club may
then contact and engage the KBO player.
3) If the KBO player is under contract to, reserved by, or on any
inactive list or on any drafted list of a KBO club, the KBO
Commissioner shall so notify the CPBL Commissioner and the CPBL
club shall not contact or engage the KBO player unless approval
to do so is given by such KBO club and the KBO Commissioner.
4) If a KBO club wishes to contact and engage a CPBL professional
baseball player, (hereinafter referred to as a “CPBL player”) the
KBO club shall first determine the status and availability of the
CPBL player by communicating with the CPBL Commissioner
through the KBO Commissioner. The CPBL Commissioner shall
notify the KBO Commissioner of the player’s status and availability.
5) If the CPBL player is not under contract to, reserved by or on
any inactive list or on any drafted list of a CPBL club, the CPBL
Commissioner shall so notify the KBO Commissioner and the KBO
club may then contact and engage the CPBL player.
6) If the CPBL player is under contract to, reserved by or on any
inactive list or on any drafted list of a CPBL club, the CPBL
Commissioner shall so notify the KBO Commissioner and the KBO
club shall not contact or engage the CPBL player unless approval
to do so is given by such CPBL club and CPBL Commissioner.
7) In the event a player who once under contract to a KBO club
but who has most recently been under contract to a CPBL club
desires to return KBO, his status and availability shall be
determined as if he were a CPBL player.
8) In the event a player who was once under contract to a CPBL
club but who has most recently been under contract to a KBO club
desires to return to the CPBL his status and availability shall be
determined as if he were a KBO player.
9) The KBO and CPBL Commissioners shall be advised immediately
of any negotiations or transactions between clubs and players of
T. F. Yang, Commissioner,Chinese Professional Baseball
Chyung Dai-Chul,Commissioner Commissioner, Korea Baseball Organization
Date : 7/16/1998
作者: EeePC901 (易学、易玩、易携带)   2018-01-17 01:54:00
喔喔喔 原来是这样啊
作者: richshen (哇哈哈)   2018-01-17 01:57:00
嗯嗯嗯 懂了懂了有没有翻译版?
作者: abc33211 (大蕃薯)   2018-01-17 02:03:00
作者: IPO5566 (公开发行5566)   2018-01-17 02:13:00
作者: kaikai0709 (kai)   2018-01-17 02:17:00
这篇文我读超快 3秒就看到最底了
作者: Wells033 (威尔斯)   2018-01-17 02:18:00
楼主: suzhou (☂☁☁☁☂)   2018-01-17 02:19:00
原文来源是韩职官网 其实里面还有各种国际赛奖金薪水保险这几天有空再把韩职对国际赛征招的规范分享出来 满有意思譬如选手每天给多少钱 球具补助款有多少 赛事奖金都很清楚另外包括保险 FA 还有年金规范 这些都有明定 不用每次吵对了 1998年签这份挖角协议 是杨天发代表签的XDDDDDDDDD
作者: aixrotap (欧塔)   2018-01-17 02:22:00
要是苏州大出翻译版 保证马上会被驻版记者抄去发新闻
楼主: suzhou (☂☁☁☁☂)   2018-01-17 02:25:00
主要是中职相关规章订的太多模糊空间 跟美日韩相比很free然后中职官网有很多资料都未对外公布 譬如标准合约书规范?中职的年金机制?(or劳保或私人年金保险?)甚至包括裁判等赛务人员 是否有额外保险跟年金?其实很多东西工会虽然能督促 但也有许多是工会的盲点如果中职自许为台湾职业运动火车头 就该让资讯放诸公评有不足的地方 社会各界也会想办法给中职意见 去让环境更好
作者: zag46900 (Lea)   2018-01-17 02:36:00
楼主: suzhou (☂☁☁☁☂)   2018-01-17 02:37:00
这份的中文版应该要中职自行公布 毕竟这是官方协议书任何人把英文版翻回中文都很难还原原始协议书的完整内容
作者: rei196 (棉花糖)   2018-01-17 04:04:00
作者: tt7642 (你困)   2018-01-17 07:48:00

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