※ 引述《sam92084 (电脑球评)》之铭言:
: 以下是苏建文老师在社团内的公开说明
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: 赛后我们为了确认球是否夹住?特地到外野墙边察看,模拟该球的位置,发现夹缝之高度
: 约有3颗球高,所以夹住之可能性排除~裁判第一时间也判定比赛进行中无误~至于影片
: 中之显示,是因外野全垒打墙护壂及帆布厚度之故,会看不到球,其实由正面看野手是很
: 容易拿到球的~至于大家讨论如果形成死球又会给予几个垒?该飞球碰触墙反弹又碰触野
: 手后,给予垒的基准点,并不是依投手投球时占有垒给予,而是野手碰触球当时的占有垒
: 给予二个垒,今天是二出局一垒有跑者,外野手碰触球时已越过二垒,显然致胜分已定
参考 Rule 5.06(b)(4)(G) Comment (Rule 7.05(g) Comment):
(G) Two bases when, with no spectators on the playing field, a thrown ball
goes into the stands, or into a bench (whether or not the ball rebounds into
the field), or over or under or through a field fence, or on a slanting part
of the screen above the backstop, or remains in the meshes of a wire screen
protecting spectators. The ball is dead. When such wild throw is the first
play by an infielder, the umpire, in awarding such bases,shall be governed by
the position of the runners at the time the ball was pitched; in all other
cases the umpire shall be governed by the position of the runners at the
time the wild throw was made;