[分享] 换木棒对高中棒球有利吗?

楼主: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-12-16 13:45:32
USA today/High scholl sports
Would switching to wood bats benefit high school baseball?
By Jake Furr, Telegraph-Forum May 26, 201
In case you have not noticed, the bats in high school baseball are not what
they used to be.
In 2011, a rule change prohibited any and all aluminum bats that did not have
a “BBCOR” stamp on it. Why is that stamp so important? BBCOR stands for
“Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution” and the idea behind the bats is to
minimize the trampoline effect of a ball jumping off of a bat.
In theory, it would cut down on the risk of a batted ball screaming back at a
pitcher’s head, and would give the pitchers and infielders a little more of a
reaction time on line drives. Ohio High School Athletic Association Assistant
Commissioner Jerry Snodgrass says the BBCOR term basically means to reduce the
speed of a ball off the bat.
“(BBCOR is a) fancy term but basically a measurement of the speed of a ball
coming off a bat. And, as you may know, BBCOR bats are significantly less
‘live’ than the old BESR (Ball Exit Speed Ratio) bats.”
In 2012, high schools had to also make the switch to BBCOR stamped bats only.
What the manufacturers do is basically deaden the bat to make it as close to
wooden-bat power as possible. Snodgrass explained the process high school
baseball had to go through.
“The BBCOR bat standard went into the college ranks a few years before high
school and the implementation for high school was over a 2- or 3-year period
… simply to give schools time to purchase and incorporate bats into their
inventory (though most players today have their own expensive bats),”
Snodgrass said.
Going through tests
But, how much different is the BBCOR bat from a wooden bat? B. Elliot Hopkins,
director of sports, sanctioning and student services for the National
Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), recognizes research shows
wood and BBCOR are very similar.
B. Elliot Hopkin(高中棒协高官) 说木棒跟BBCOR棒差不了太多
So it begs the question, why not just make the switch to wooden bats?
The biggest difference is the BBCOR bats will not break on inside pitches.
But, would education and the strength of high school aged players help reduce
the number of broken wood bats if a change was made?
Change is not always easy. Even though wood bats are allowed for high school,
the NFHS does not mandate them.
States and teams can make the decision to change to wood bats, but a
nationwide switch would have to come from the NFHS. And they are happy with
results they have found from research.
“Wood bats are allowed for high school baseball. We do not mandate them.
It is up to each individual school and state. We are comfortable with the
BBCOR standard currently. If science is able to provide a different or better
standard, then we would investigate that scientific research,” Hopkins said.
Any change would most likely come from the college level down. Snodgrass
knows the research put into rule changes is important and should be done to
the fullest extent. The NCAA has the best research and the NFHS relies on a
lot of its findings, Snodgrass said..
“The NFHS does not maintain testing facilities — especially due to the
complexity of it, so they rely on the same tests used by the NCAA which has
the financial resources to conduct elaborate tests.”
Cost-benefit analysis
But there may be a bigger difference; price. It could get expensive for high
schools to keep buying wooden bats every year instead of just three BBCOR bats.
However, you can buy a performance grade Hard Maple C271 wooden bat from
Louisville Slugger for $49.99. Or, you could buy three Louisville Slugger
Prime 915 BBCOR bats for $399.99 a piece (most high schools buy three bats
for three different lengths).
That’s $1,200 for just three bats; instead of 24 wooden bats for the same
price. Each of those wooden bats will have about the same power as the BBCOR
Crestline head coach Steve Garberich sees the price as a major influence in
weather a change would even be considered.
高中教练Steve Garberich说铝棒价钱要看天气
“I think if they break a lot then there will be a big cost. We use these
BBCOR bats for a couple years unless they change the specs. If the price was
right on and everyone was on the same playing field, then I am for it. I just
see a lot of broken bats especially with the cold springs that we have. We got
one new bat this year and got a good deal on it. If the wooden bat’s price is
right and we could get eight to 10 of them for the price of one BBCOR then it
could be something worth looking into,” Garberich said.
Steve Garberich说断越多花越多,如果大家球场一样,那BBCOR棒没关系,我们今年(网拍?)
Some relief could come from the players themselves. Most parents buy bats and
high schools normally do not have an overwhelming expense for them.
If parents are willing to pay $400 for a BBCOR bat, would they be willing to
spend the same amount for eight wood bats?
Snodgrass knows a lot of players have their own bats, but believes the simple
fact the bats could break would put the schools’ expenses in a tough
“On the expense side of things, no doubt it is significant today. However,
since most kids have their own bats, the majority of schools today do not
really experience that much in the way of expenses. And, given the breakage
possibility of a wooden bat, when it is all said and done, might be a wash
for a school,” Snodgrass said.
Finding the Sweet Spot
One major complaint is the wood bats have a smaller “sweet spot” than the
BBCOR. As the years progress and the research continues, BBCOR bats will likely
shift to approximately the same size sweet spot as wood.
In theory, high school baseball players will be swinging a bat made of
composite aluminum that will contain the same benefits as swinging a wood bat.
The only difference is, parents and high schools will be paying $350 more per
bat. The cost is just one reason why Colonel Crawford head coach Joe
Swartzmiller is in favor of the wood bats along with many others.
“I am all for wood bats. Personally I like them better than the bats we use
now. As far as financially, the cost can be cheaper with more bats. The bats
we use are really expensive just for one bat. So, the overall cost can lower
at the same time buying more bats. Another thing would be the weather. If it
gets down to a certain temperature it can ruin these BBCOR bats. That’s a lot
of money being ruined. I just wish we went back to the old BESR bats and call
it a season,” Swartzmiller said.
Speaking of Weather
Spring sports in Ohio deal with the famously unpredictable weather conditions.
The makeup of the BBCOR bat does not fare well in the cold and the use of the
bats could lead to the possibility of never being able to use them again.
Manufacturers recommend that composite BBCOR bats not be used in sub 55-degree
North Dakota has dealt with the weather factor. In a 2007 USA Today article,
an interview with Shanely High School coach Joel Swanson stated, “Two years
ago we played 29 games in temperatures below 45 degrees. We paid $2,100 for
seven (metal) bats, and a month into the season, six had broken. We’re working
with small budgets in a lot of small schools. Every penny counts.”
Shanely High School is located in Fargo, North Dakota, where weather is always
a factor.
Learning Curve
If the switch is made, a need for education on using wooden bats would be
essential. It could be the first time for a majority of players using a wood
bat. And there would be a learning curve. Wynford head coach Joe Staab knows
there is a huge difference in a player’s approach with a BBCOR bat in their
hands compared to a wood bat. He has even provided his players an opportunity
to get a few swings in with a wood bat in the school’s batting cages.
“We have a couple in the cage and the kids really do notice a difference.
If a change like this ever happens, the coaches would have to teach the kids
how to hit with wood bats,” Staab said. “The inside pitches need to be hit
further out in front instead of letting it in on your hands. Another thing to
look at is player safety. Broken bats could add a potential hazard. An inside
pitch on the BBCOR bats is a slow roller and the bat is still usable.”
Many think a change would never happen for that reason alone.
Broken bats may lead to a bigger safety risk than line drives at a pitchers.
In 2008, Major League Baseball saw its worst season with broken bats. According
to a report by Quinn Roberts of MLB.com, that year saw a broken bat rate of
one per game.
Since, MLB has made efforts to reduce that number through programs and
regulations. In recent years, the rate has dropped to just a half a bat per
game. Regulations have contributed to the drop.
Major League Baseball is also trying to sway players from using low-density
bats that have big barrels with hallowed-up cups at the end.
With the same education, high schools would see an even bigger drop in broken
bats per game. Due to differences in strength, a lot of the bats would not
break in high school in the same situations as Major League Baseball. While
most players would say that it was the wood’s fault that the bats break,
most of the time, the players hit the ball on the wrong part of the bat to
cause the break.
Before a decision is made, one thing is certain: more research and plenty of
time will pass before a switch can be made.
作者: peter080808 (peter)   2015-12-16 13:54:00
作者: chdc ( )   2015-12-16 13:55:00
不管啦 推木棒就是厂商赚钱的阴谋!
作者: morinaga9515 (不伤身不含内固醇)   2015-12-16 13:55:00
楼主: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-12-16 13:55:00
他们没有更新资讯啊 以前拿旧规范的铝棒顶级一只不到一万 顶级木棒两三千
作者: mrchica (曲卡)   2015-12-16 13:56:00
楼主: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-12-16 13:56:00
作者: VVizZ (我很穷)   2015-12-16 13:57:00
也就是你要赚我也要赚的意思 我建议通通改打竹棒
作者: vencil (vencs)   2015-12-16 13:58:00
作者: omanorboyo (omanorboyo)   2015-12-16 14:01:00
楼主: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-12-16 14:02:00
也是啦 一只用三年也是可以直接买家乐福的
作者: hyder1024 (新庄伊藤开司)   2015-12-16 14:05:00
偷渡m-pro XDDDD
作者: kira925 (1 2 3 4 疾风炭)   2015-12-16 14:05:00
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2015-12-16 14:05:00
不知道台湾有没有制造 如果让台湾人来抠私当 不过加拿大就
作者: pounil (IOU)   2015-12-16 14:05:00
当然啊 打到同样断了才换的话当然比较省 不过乡民打到棒子
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2015-12-16 14:06:00
作者: pounil (IOU)   2015-12-16 14:06:00
楼主: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-12-16 14:10:00
现在好棒都复合材料 也比以前铝棒更容易断啊 如果打身体健康的话铝棒的确比较省我这有一批一只不到两千五台币的BBCOR铝棒 欢迎键盘高苑 平镇 桃农 南英的铝棒组跟我订购
作者: lightpisces (赖打‧鱼)   2015-12-16 14:20:00
弹性系数跟甜蜜点缩到跟木棒一样 那这公司产铝棒干嘛根本来削钱的嘛
楼主: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-12-16 14:21:00
我这只复合材料棒甜密点跟弹性跟木棒有90%像使用枫木加上烤漆 用起来跟木棒有九成像
作者: jefftie2000 (Y.Y)   2015-12-16 14:23:00
作者: peter080808 (peter)   2015-12-16 14:23:00
合格规范的铝棒弹性降是必然的 学生棒球力量越来越强不改会在死人的
作者: e84011095 (天龙鲁蛇)   2015-12-16 14:24:00
WW大这样算是一次给金龙、镛基、威助、恩斋、E全、YOH还有大师兄震撼教育吗 啪啪
楼主: WillWaiting (Creep)   2015-12-16 14:25:00
你就叫大师兄问小头嘛 小头去年看了最多高中比赛
作者: peter080808 (peter)   2015-12-16 14:26:00
那票球员就拿自己以前的经验套现在啊 球棒也不是他们在买...
作者: wang7752 (^^b)   2015-12-16 14:33:00
作者: kenkenken31 (呆呆傻蛋)   2015-12-16 15:12:00
作者: takenostand ((紫色隱者))   2015-12-16 16:15:00
作者: tywei (踢歪打不溜)   2015-12-16 20:43:00
作者: OD1109 (强棒高手)   2015-12-16 21:30:00
怎么会没有规范 国中是BPF1.15 高中是BBCOR高中比赛都规定要拿-3的棒子呀 拿-5是做弊呀黑豹旗某队就被抓包了呀
作者: tywei (踢歪打不溜)   2015-12-16 21:48:00
作者: OD1109 (强棒高手)   2015-12-16 22:18:00
作者: rettttt5 (再踢五次)   2015-12-16 23:09:00

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