[闲聊] Amazon 正在挣扎着留下运送你包裹的机师

楼主: prussian (prussian)   2019-12-22 19:53:39
※警语: 以下为不专业翻译。
Amazon is struggling to hold on to the pilots who ship your packages
Amazon 正在挣扎着留下运送你包裹的机师
By Amrita Khalid December 7, 2019
Amazon's promise of one-day shipping has led it to increasingly rely
on its own air cargo division, Amazon Air. But as the number of
shipments pushed through the cargo arm multiplies, the pilots who fly
those packages continue to voice that they are overworked and
Amazon 承诺的一日内运达使得它必须日渐倚赖它的空运部门 Amazon Air。但货
The pilots don't work for Amazon directly, but are employed by the
contractors Air Transport Services Group (ATSG) and Atlas Air. More
than 200 cargo pilots who fly for ABX Air, which is a division of
ATSG, cast a vote of “no confidence” against management's ability to
resolve ongoing labor disputes, reported Reuters earlier this week. In
total, all but one member of the pilot's union voted “Yes” on a
resolution that asked if they had “no confidence in management's
willingness to negotiate or reach an agreement for the benefit of all
stakeholders to include the shareholders, the customers, and the
机师不是直接受雇于 Amazon, 而是受雇于承包商 ATSG 和 Altas Air。本周稍
早,路透社报导,超过两百名为 ATSG 子部门 ABX Air 执飞的货机机师,对于
The pilot union, the Airline Professionals Association, has battled
with the management of ATSG for five years to negotiate new work rules
for its pilots. Issues involving how pilots are scheduled for their
routes, salaries, and retirement still remain unresolved.
机师工会 APA 为了谈判新的工作条件,已和 ATSG 抗争了五年。包括机师如何
Those who fly for Atlas Air, another cargo operator used by Amazon,
recently lost a three-year bid to secure a new work contract. Atlas
pilots protested outside an airport in Cincinnati, Ohio for better
workplace conditions in April. And in February, Atlas pilot crashed an
Amazon Air flight, killing all three of its occupants, which some have
suggested was linked to its staff being overworked.
为 Amazon 另一家营运商 Altas Air 执飞的机师,最近丢了一份三年期标案而
无法签下新的工作合约。四月 Altas 机师在俄亥俄辛辛那提一个机场外示威,
争取更好的工作条件。二月 Altas 机师摔了一架 Amazon Air 的飞机,机上三
Pilots at both airlines have complained about low morale, low pay, and
poor workplace retention. Such troubles are brewing during a global
pilot shortage, and many well-trained pilots who work for Atlas and
ABX have simply left for better opportunities. A union survey earlier
this year found that 60% of the pilots who work for the three airlines
employed by Amazon (ABX Air, Atlas Air, and another called Southern
Air) are looking for work elsewhere.
因下,Altas 和 ABX 训练良好的机师自然向外寻找更好的工作机会。稍早工会
调查指出,为三家 Amazon 承包商(ATSG, Altas 和另一家叫南方航空的公司)工
作的机师,60% 在寻找跳槽机会。
“We still have very experienced high quality pilots leaving for other
carriers because they have better pay and better schedules,” Rick
Ziebarth, an ABX Air pilot and executive council chairman of Airline
Professionals Association Teamsters Local 1224, told Quartz. Ziebarth
argued that as a result of well-trained pilots leaving, ABX is forced
to hire people with far less experience who require more training.
Quartz has reached out to Amazon for comment on the matter.
ABX 机师及APA Teamster Local 1224 分会主席 Rick Ziebarth 告诉 Qz 说,
,为了填补老练机师离去的空缺,ABX 不得不雇用经验值不足,仍需要训练的人
。Qz 稍后联络了 Amazon 征求对于此事的评论。
Worker grievances appear to have cropped up in every leg of Amazon's
supply chain. Amazon's warehouse workers were found to suffer injuries
at twice the national average of other warehouse workers, according to
an investigation from Reveal. Delivery drivers for Amazon Flex, who
are considered independent contractors by Amazon, work long hours with
no chance of earning overtime or benefits.
Amazon 供应链的每个部门似乎都出现了劳动条件低下的问题。根据 Reveal 的
一项调查,Amazon的仓储员工工伤的比例是全国平均的两倍。被 Amazon Flex视
ABX Air pilots won't be able to strike until released from the US
National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal agency which oversees
aviation industry labor relations. Ziebarth said the board is still in
the middle of holding negotiations with ATSG.
ABX Air 在得到全国调解委员会的许可之前仍无法罢工。Ziebarth 说他们还在
主持与 ATSG 的谈判。
According to data from Flightpath Economics, a consulting firm, pilots
who work for ABX Air and Atlas Air are amongst the lowest paid in the
根据咨询机构 Flightpath Economics 的资料,ABX Air 和 Altas Air 的机师
公司 时薪
ATSG $152
Atlas $139
Fedex $243
UPS $288
As a whole, cargo pilots face tougher working conditions than their
passenger pilot counterparts. Cargo pilots were left out of a 2014 law
that required passenger pilots to get a minimum of 10 hours' rest
between flights. Aviation experts also say that lax safety standards
and pilot fatigue has lead to a higher number of fatal crashes on
cargo flights compared to passenger flights.
Meanwhile, Amazon's air shipments are only likely to continue rising.
FedEx in June announced it would no longer assist Amazon in its air
delivery. That same month, Amazon announced it would roll out free
one-day shipping for millions of new products. These combined factors
have led to the e-commerce giant to rely on its own delivery services
than ever before. In July, Amazon Air flew 136 million pounds of goods
across in the US, a 29% increase from the same period in 2018, and
only 9 pounds less than the December 2018 holiday rush, according to
data from ATSG and Atlas Air analyzed by Cargo Facts Consulting. And
the growth simply won't die down this holiday season, when Amazon
expects to invest $1.5 billion into one-day shipping costs alone.
但同时,Amazon 的空运运量看来只会持续增加。六月 FedEX 宣布不再协助
Amazon 空运。同月 Amazon 宣布推出百万种商品的免费一日运送。种种因素加
起来,使得这商务巨擘史无前例的倚赖自己的货运服务。根据 Cargo Facts
Consulting 对 ATSG 和 Altas Air 的资料分析,七月 Amazon Air 运送了1.36
亿磅美国国内货物,相比 2018 年同期增加 29%,也只比 2018 耶诞尖峰少了9
磅。在 Amazon 预期光在一日运送就将投资 15亿镁的前提下,这样的成长远不
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has said that his company will rely less on
airplanes as it builds out its local warehouses. But for now, Amazon
is continuing to grow its air cargo operations: it added 15 more
planes to its fleet this year, and says it expects to have 70 planes
by 2021. It is working on a $1.5 billion expansion of its Amazon Air
Hub in Cincinnati—essentially an Amazon cargo airport—which is
expected to finish in 2021. When complete, the Air Hub will be able to
handle 200 daily takeoffs and landings. It recently opened an Air Hub
in Fort Worth, Texas. It seems that as long as demand is high, the
future of Amazon's fast and free shipping will rely heavily on air
Amazon 创办人贝佐斯说过他的公司在建立各地当地仓储的同时,会减少倚赖飞
机。但此时 Amazon 的航空货运还在持续成长。今年新增了15架飞机,且预期在
2021年达到总数70架。它投入15亿镁在扩建辛辛那提转运中心 - 基本上就是
Amazon 的货运机场 - 预计 2021 年完成。完工之后,这个空转中心将能容纳
200架次起降。它在德州 Fort Worth 的空转中心最近开张。看起来只要需求够
高,未来 Amazon 仍将重度倚赖空运。
Amazon: Everyday Low Price (for "contractors")
作者: domago ( )   2019-12-22 20:07:00
作者: ttnakafzcm (燦's)   2019-12-22 20:33:00
767那个有报告了 只能说 有兴趣的可以自己找 颗颗
作者: lisasweet (小如)   2019-12-22 22:37:00
作者: traystien (青春18きっぷ)   2019-12-22 22:43:00
作者: TWN48 (台湾48)   2019-12-22 23:57:00
作者: fleetwood (加盟Metro!!)   2019-12-23 00:08:00
不同公司之间的薪水级距 在美国比台湾巨大的多在最近几年 市场膨胀太快的时候 就算是美国也会有青黄不接
作者: miragejames (Sgt.James)   2019-12-23 00:30:00
好的有机会就跳UPS FEDEX这种自己拥有机队的公司
作者: curmathew   2019-12-23 04:16:00
作者: linbryan (bryan )   2019-12-23 07:05:00
作者: taxlaw1991 (taxlaw91)   2019-12-23 11:52:00
Amazon打的就是方便又便宜 商品本身成本省不了多少又要建构资讯和物流系统 钱省在哪不难想像
作者: b325019 (望月)   2019-12-23 17:47:00

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