好奇爬了一下文,这台A380 Plus应该是"好几个计画的综合体" 不是只有改wintip而已,这在空巴的新闻稿里面有说明 当然为什么可以做到-13%座位成本,-4%油耗 主要是跟main deck全经济舱 跟3-5-3座椅配置有关 连PY舱都建议放主甲板然后改成3-3-3配置 https://goo.gl/Np9D87 我个人觉得空巴新闻稿里面 把增加的座位数,打散到各细小的改善项目里面 让人觉得好像增加出来的座位主因不是3-5-3配置 但想也知道,这些增加的座位数是基于3-5-3 Y舱跟3-3-3 PY舱推算出来的 如果靠动些小地方就能增加那么多 那只有一个可能就是原本的设计是烂到爆 反正现在A380就是卖得烂到爆 空巴也不认为投入更多预算改Neo会让A380起死回生 只能拼拼看靠改舱间配置看能不能挽救回一点什么 至少把现有未出货的订单改成A380 Plus去降低每座成本 看能不能让航空公司少抱怨一点... 1.New Forward Stairs – 20 more passengers (Business, Premium Economy & Economy Classes) The NFS involves relocation of the forward stair from Door 1 to Door 2, and combining the entrance of the NFS to the upper deck (going up), with the adjacent staircase to the lower-deck crew-rest (going down). The NFS would make room for up to 20 additional passengers. 修改了前舱的楼梯设计,可以提供最大+20的座位 Combined Crew-Rest Compartment (CCRC) – three more passengers (Premium Economy) For the CCRC, the existing flight-crew-rest (behind the cockpit in the mezzanine area at Door 1) is moved down and combined with the cabin crew rest on the lower deck. This innovation frees space for three extra Premium-Economy passengers at the front of the main-deck. 把驾驶舱后方的组员休息区取消,跟下甲板的组员休息区合并 空间有没有变小没有讲,但这样做会不变小也很怪啦 11-abreast 3-5-3 economy layout on the main-deck – 23 more passengers (Economy Class) Thanks to an innovative seating concept developed by Airbus and its seating partners, Airbus is able to maintain an 18inch seat-width while offering airlines an 11-abreast Economy Class on the main-deck in a ‘3-5-3’ configuration. This enables an increase in capacity of 23 seats – adding significantly to the A380’s revenue-generating potential. 奴隶船再升级...这就不用多解释了 基本上我觉得这是不可能被采用的配置 A380是可以执飞长程航线的机型 换了3-5-3 就变得不适合飞长程航线 那航空公司是要怎么定位这台飞机? New Aft-Galley Stair Module (AGSM) – 14 more passengers + two food trolleys The AGSM involves the redesign of the rear-stair from a spiral configuration to a straight/square one. On the main-deck, this allows valuable storage volume for galley modules. Overall the AGSM provides space for 14 more revenue passengers plus two extra food trolleys. 后方的螺旋楼梯被改成一般楼梯 可以多坐14个人跟多放两台餐车 Upper-deck sidewall stowage removal – 10 more passengers (Business Class) The option to remove the sidewall stowages on the upper-deck increases the wall-to-wall cabin width at foot-rest height – which makes space for up to 10 more business class seats / beds when an angled herring-bone arrangement is used. 上层甲板靠墙侧的储存空间被拿掉 可以多放十个商务舱座位 Nine-abreast Premium Economy on the main deck – 11 more passengers (Premium Economy) PY舱改放到主甲板然后改3-3-3配置