1. EK:In service: 144. On order: 50
2. UA:In service: 74. On order: 0 (有乳摸要进77W)
3. CX:In service: 65. On order: 5
4. AF:In service: 64. On order: 4
5. AA:In service: 64. On order: 3
6. NH:In service: 54. On order: 9 (还有好多777X没算进来)
7. SQ:In service: 58. On order: 2
8. BA:In service: 58. On order: 0
9. KE:In service: 38. On order: 17
10.QR:In service: 44. On order: 11
根据波音官网,目前777 Series一共取得1,832张订单,
Big Twin families: Who are the Top 10 Boeing 777 operators?
Source: Flightglobal.com
15:36 13 Mar 2015
As Boeing lines up some short-term 777 sales incentives in a bid to keep the
assembly line running at full rate through transition to production of its
777X successor in 2018, we survey today’s biggest operators of Seattle’s
twin-aisle flagship. Data from the Flightglobal Ascend Fleets database,
pictures from AirTeamImages.
1. Emirates Airline. In service: 144. On order: 50.
2. United Airlines. In service: 74. On order: 0.
3. Cathay Pacific. In service: 65. On order: 5.
4. Air France. In service: 64. On order: 4.
5. American Airlines. In service: 64. On order: 3.
6. All Nippon Airways. In service: 54. On order: 9.
7. Singapore Airlines. In service: 58. On order: 2.
8. British Airways. In service: 58. On order: 0.
9. Korean Air. In service: 38. On order: 17.
10. Qatar Airways. In service: 44. On order: 11.