nyrnu (B-18901)
2014-07-17 23:34:26马航777客机于乌克兰坠毁 (有待进一步证实)
The Boeing 777 went down near the Russian border according to an aviation
industry source.
It is not clear what caused the flight MH17 to crash or if there have been
any fatalities.
According to Interfax the plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
A Malaysia Airlines official has confirmed the news and they are due to make
a statement shortly.
The news comes after a Malaysian Airlines plane carrying 239 people went
missing in March while on a flight from the Malaysian capital to Beijing.
The country's government said they believed all people onboard MH370 were
dead after a lengthy search in the Indian Ocean.
The plane, which had 227 passengers onboard, vanished on March 8 and despite
a search costing in excess of £25million no trace of the airline has been