ntbi (口屋~)
2019-05-09 09:31:32You may have some constructive criticism, some sage advice, or some guidance y
ou can offer to someone, Aquarius. You would love to help because that is your
nature, but you may not want to come off as a know-it-all - especially when s
omeone seems very proud and satisfied with what they have done. But sometimes
a person who is unsure or insecure puts on a cocky veneer to cover their insec
urities. It is very possible that an offer of assistance would be extremely we
ll-received and would make a huge positive difference.
特别是当有人对他们所做的事情感到非常自豪和满意时。 但有时候,一个不确定或不安
全的人会戴上一个自大的伪装来掩盖他们的不安全感。 提供援助很可能会非常受欢迎,