ortaffa (噗通一声)
2023-12-19 08:55:04板上的大家好
Lung, upper lobe, right, biopsy, adenocarcinoma.Description:The specimen submitt
ed consists of 7 tissue fragments measuring up to 0.4x0.1x0.1 cm in size, fixed
in formalin. Grossly, they are light-brownish and elastic.All for section and la
beled as A1-A2; Jar: 0 AnMicroscopically, it shows moderately differentiated ade
nocarcinomab with neoplastic acinar pattern of tumor cells. The immunohistochemi
cal stains show TTF-1 (+), napsin-A (+) and p40 (-).The pathologic diagnosis has
been discussed and confirmed by Peer Slide Review.