Wayne5 (Wayne)
2019-04-10 23:29:40努力写英文信去官网的FEEDBACK反映了 希望总部能给予适当处理
English is not my first language, but I am going to try my best to describe
the whole situation that disappoint me so much about the brand of IWC which I
Location: Taipei 101, Taiwan
Repair reference number: XXXXXXXXX
Customer repair number: XXXXXXXXX
I purchased my IWC 型号 in 2013. On March 16, I found
something weird of my watch and thought it’s about time to do the
maintenance. I went to Taipei 101 IWC boutique for the service, the
maintenance fee is not cheap I have to say. However, I trust the brand, so I
still brought it to IWC.
I DO NOT want my watch to be POLISHED, so I told the Boutique Manager Sammi
Wu about it SEVERAL times SEARIOUSLY. Moreover, I also told the lady who key
in my repair receipt about it AGAIN. Totally, more than five times I
remember. Because I concern and care it so much. And I double check my repair
receipt to make sure the special note is being put on it black and white.
I believe it is not an unique request(NO POLISHING), many people do not want
their watch to be polished. We want our watches in their original shapes. I
believe IWC as a prestigious watch maker knows it and respects it.
Today, April 10, I received a phone call from Boutique Manager Sammi Wu,
saying that she is sorry that my watch is being POLISHED. I was shocked! And
do not know what to say. Sammi Wu offered me a discount of maintenance fee,
from around NTD 26,000 to NTD 21,000. I have to say I can not accept it. Then
she asked ”What can you accept?” I really do not know what to reply, I
just want my watch back. I said I want a new one since a polished one can not
go back to original as my understanding. It is also acceptable if IWC can
change the case and bracelet which are being affected(but I remember being
told that the material is not available). Boutique Manager Sammi Wu sayed she
need to discuss internally with company.
Then about two hours later, a gentleman who is Maintenance Manager called me,
saying sorry that it’s IWC’s fault, and offering 50% discount of
maintenance fee. I can not accept and ask him to think in my shoes and my
situation, he said he totally understand, and would also be upset if he face
the same situation. After that, Free of Charge is being offered to me. I
replied that I can not accept it.
I have to say both Boutique Manager Sammi Wu and Maintenance Manager are
polite and with good attitude. But their solution is just not acceptable to
I WANT MY WATCH WITHOUT POLISHING BACK. I want a new one since a polished one
can not go back to original as my understanding. Or IWC can change the new
case and new bracelet which are being affected. (but I remember being told
that the material is not available).
Dear IWC, as a prestigious, historic watch maker and brand, please tell me
what you can do to help me. I hope contacting the headquarter directly can
help me on this case. I hope IWC is a brand that can be trusted as I always
※ 引述《Wayne5 (Wayne)》之铭言:
: 题外话:
: 分享一个之前自己遇到的LV案例
: 买了个LV包,用了两年
: 两年之间背带不时会掉下来 很难形容
: 总之应该是扣环的因素
: 起初并不以为意 后来久了受不了了
: 两年后回专柜送修 已经用了两年喔!!
: 检查后LV说是扣环的瑕疵
: 同款产品已经对扣环进行了修正
: 我可以换这个同款修正后的产品
: 或是换等值商品
: 这个处理方式远远超乎我的预期
: 其实他只要换新的扣环给我我就很满意了
: 结果在柜员的鼓吹下我换了另一款产品
: 柜员说反正已经用两年了 不如换换口味
: 也刚好有喜欢的产品 就这样换了
: 真心觉得LV在这方面真的超屌
: 之后都会向朋友推荐
: update 4/10 5pm:
: 最初业务说减免5K保养费
: 刚刚维修部(应该是主管)打来说可以保养费半价
: 我再度重申我的立场
: 之后又加码说此次保养免费
: 我依网友推文的建议说那能否换壳/换表带 (反正换有影响的部分)
: 维修部主管给我的感觉是满脑疑问
: 先说是听不太懂我的意思,后来大概懂了
: 说,他那边没有料,不然就要送回欧洲原厂看原厂怎么处理
: 我问,那要多久,他说不知道,shipment可能要很久时间
: 最后我就跟他说就还是回业务端系统处理吧
: 我也不想重复的话再讲第二次
: 对方态度良好 也诚恳承认疏失
: 也表示理解我的立场 如果他是我也会很生气
: 但FOC(应该是free of charge)是他的权限能做的最大限度了
: 以上更新状况
: 手表保养 要求不要抛光 结果被通知已抛光
: 前几天接到了这个令我相当生气、难过的消息
: 先不讲品牌 只能说算是中高端到高端的品牌 101有专柜
: 拿表去101专柜保养,因我希望保有表的原型,一而再再而三的要求”不要抛光”
: 讲了至少三次以上,而且跟两个不同人讲,维修保养单上也有注记
: 我想这不是什么特殊的要求,相信很多手表爱好者甚至玩家都有这样的需求
: 希望保有手表原本的形体
: 而且”抛光”这个动作是不可逆的 我的爱表要怎么办
: 接到业务来电,跟我道歉,并说可以减收保养费用数千,问我能否接受?
: 我当然不能接受
: 业务问我怎样能接受,我说因为抛光是不可逆的,那就换一支表给我
: 他可能觉得我的要求很过分,有笑了一下,说,这支表停产了
: 然后又说,这是维修部的问题,坦白讲就算有库存也不可能换给我
: 公司政策不允许
: 我说公司政策是你家的事
: 今天我相信原厂,花高昂的费用去原厂维修,讲了多次不要抛光 也有白纸黑字维修单
: 今天维修的不好,比如说不准之类的,我也只能摸摸鼻子拿回给原厂重修
: 毕竟还是能处理的 但抛光不是啊 抛下去就没了
: 最后业务说他再帮我向维修部争取看看维修费用的减免能否更多 可能就再多几千吧
: 我跟他说这不是我要的
: 他反问我那我想要怎样 就陷入鬼打墙了
: 最后就是一般协商的老剧本,业务说再跟公司讨论看看
: 坦白讲,这个业务也是无辜,其实他该做的都做了,是维修部出包,自己也是业务,所
: 也是尽量心平气和的跟他讲,跟他说如果自己不能处理就往上报啊
: 请问各位先进/前辈 我该如何保障自己的权益
: 真的满难过的 难道我们买家就只能这样接受吗? 不应该是这样吧?
作者: goodohya 2019-04-12 23:50:00
Sammi不就是那家店店长吗....话说几年前我跟我爸去逛IWC毕竟价格也高我爸也是考虑想多看看 后来她就明显开始打发我们走 我爸也不好意思打扰太久就离开了 当时出去前我还翻回去看 竟然看到她明显变脸........当下真是超傻眼我没想到服务品质是这样!觉得超不尊重的.....
kishke (kishke)
2019-04-10 23:45:00辛苦了,静候佳音
zd231 (Tumurin)
2019-04-10 23:50:00推
ianfunky (Lee Ritenour)
2019-04-10 23:55:00加油
drg0204 (88王88)
2019-04-11 00:08:00挺一个
qashty (姑苏城外含三次)
2019-04-11 00:25:00seriously
作者: XXXX (乂乂乂乂) 2019-04-11 00:54:00
gp03dan (HouseKing)
2019-04-11 01:21:00写给原厂真的很猛
作者: forthewill (只为了深远的未来存在) 2019-04-11 03:09:00
作者: vocompound (VOC) 2019-04-11 03:17:00
描述得很清楚 静候佳音希望原厂的回复可让台湾的服务水准提升
作者: tcuzak 2019-04-11 06:42:00
作者: e5m719 (DerWill8) 2019-04-11 09:14:00
作者: Jmoe (Rin0moe) 2019-04-11 10:16:00
推 就等看看原厂如何回应了
setom (流水)
2019-04-11 10:28:00推啦! 加油
harryboy23 (BB's布里斯)
2019-04-11 10:31:00推推 等待后续!!
作者: sl3h06vm6 2019-04-11 10:36:00
101 IWC也是Richmont的,通常总经理是集团派来的外籍人士。至于为什么会派来台湾,大多是有些留校察看的意味,假如被母公司认定缺失甚大且有损形象,就有人要倒楣了。
ro155023 (Elvisc)
2019-04-11 11:07:00推!
作者: sl3h06vm6 2019-04-11 11:19:00
biaw (blue note)
2019-04-11 13:07:00觉得篇幅在依照时间顺序描述零散细节上面比较多 可能会让对方没办法很快抓住重点
kkes50717 (什麼?S)
2019-04-11 14:34:00其实可以用日期时间:叙述的话 这样会比较让他们知道时间点,而且看起来不会吃力
kenick (SOLID_SNAKE)
2019-04-11 14:56:00101就直营阿 历峰集团
作者: sl3h06vm6 2019-04-11 16:34:00
chanjay (时间所剩不多了...)
2019-04-11 18:20:00回复是一定会回,只是怎么处理就不清楚了
作者: valentinos (汤匙oo) 2019-04-11 20:36:00
加油 期待有好结果
zesonpso (æ£ç¾©çš„å©å王)
2019-04-12 16:19:00静待
pttwonba (寿司小天兵)
2019-04-12 17:06:00好奇老外会怎样处理
biaw (blue note)
2019-04-12 18:02:00说不定只会道歉 如果宪的内容他们解读成客户不爽 就会在安抚一次 如果解读成疏失 那就会补偿疏失
JUSTER (不听不听你别说)
2019-04-12 22:17:00帮集气
arscadre (arscadre)
2019-04-13 10:28:00借此篇问一下 假设手表送表店或原厂保养 然后开盖时底盖刮伤 我们可以要求怎样的赔偿吗?
作者: goodohya 2019-04-14 17:45:00
到底是业务部的问题还是维修部的问题 其实说穿了也是同一家公司 既然处理不了就往上报想办法解决问题。但一直重复反问你想要怎样到底是什么概念 出问题之后想必也在背后电客户难搞,毕竟是店长接的案件,报上去到底该是谁负责。说不定就想逃避吧真令人失望