
楼主: moshic (喔耶~)   2023-02-27 11:44:42
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[必]工 作 量:约1341字
[必]截 稿 日:急件,希望23:30前交件
[选]参考段落:Lower energy usage is a common goal across all industries—and it has
significant, wide- ranging benefits, especially those with economic and
environmental ramifications. Energy consumption has been part of the
messaging around sustainability for many years, but over the last year or
two, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the supply chain crisis, it has grown
to be almost ubiquitous in print as well as other sectors.
[选]试 译 文:(100-200字,并不超过全文1/10。严禁私下试译。若未提供请勿删除)

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