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[选]试 译 文:Some machines are equipped with a control unit to check the correct phase
sequence that triggers an alarm to immediately notify the need to invert two
phases (see attached control and monitoring software manuals). It blocks the
machine until the direction of rotation has been corrected. If the machine
does not have this control unit, carry out the following operations: ‧ Turn
the machine main switch to I (ON). ‧ Set a temperature value on the control
panel (e.g.: +20 °C) and start a work cycle (see attached control and
monitoring software manuals). ‧ Open the rear door and check the chamber fan
motor is turning in the direction of the arrow on the motor itself. If the
motor is turning in the opposite direction, you need to exchange the two
supply phases.
In machines equipped with the control unit C, the electrical equipment is
supplied with an electronic module to control important parameters: ‧
Correct phase sequence ‧ One phase missing ‧ Minimum or maximum voltage
threshold exceeded
If one of the aforementioned alarms is triggered: ‧ The control system
records the anomaly and stops the machine to prevent any breakdown. ‧ An
alarm message appears directly on the operator panel.