[必]企业/组织全名:艾格科技有限公司, www.xcreativemedia.com
[必]负 责 人:高秀美
[必]地 址:台北市大安区罗斯福路三段273号5F
[必]电 话:2368-0506
[选]传 真:n/a
[必]所属领域:电子, 电机, 网络, 量测仪器, 及相关应用与软件
[必]报酬计算:每个原文字新台币 0.8 元
通过三个月试用,调整为每个原文字新台币 1 元
1. 需使用网络翻译平台,有中文简易操作手册
2. 能以流畅的中文翻译艰涩的科技文件
3. 准时交件
4. 需通过两阶段的试译 (第一阶段为免费试译 第二阶段为付费试译)
[必]联 络 人:Stella
[必]联络方式:[email protected]
1. Devices with unexpectedly short battery life can damage a company’s brand,
lead to decreased sales, and even cause a costly recall that destroys a
company’s economic viability.
2. Whether you’re using single technology formats, such as ZigBee, or
multi-format combination modules with WLAN, Bluetooth®, LoRa and ZigBee, the
software provides a flexible suite of signal-creation tools to reduce
receiver testing time.
3. The bandwidth for both the in-band and out-of-band channels are set as the
Channel Spacing values defined in Table 148 of the IEEE Standard
802.15.4g-2012, i.e., 1200 kHz, 800 kHz, and 200 kHz for OFDM Options
1 and 2 respectively.