yachieh ( )
2018-10-31 15:43:01──────────────────────────────────────
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[必]所属领域: 教育
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[必]截 稿 日: 10/31 23:59
[必]应征期限: 今天16:30
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Teachers face a dizzying array of possible interventions for children with
behavior issues. The efficacy of these interventions is often unknown, and
the recommendations of experts can becontradictorywhen examined against one
another (Simpson, 1998). There is no single intervention that works for all
children; therefore, the decision of which in-tervention to use for a
specific child is daunting. Family members with their multiple deep and broad
understandings of their child's behavioral patterns can be a great source of
assistance in determining the best intervention to use with a student
(Simpson, 1998).
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