carters (很高兴,一直到最后我都在)
2018-01-07 20:05:03[必]我已经读过置底版规、参考费率、发文必读公告,并愿意遵守规定:YES
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[必]工 作 量: 3000~3500字
[必]工作报酬: 2.2/字 (已加上急件权重)
[必]涉及语言: 英语
[必]所属领域: 工业管理
[必]文件类型: 投稿期刊之英文论文
[必]截 稿 日: 20180108
[必]应征期限: 20180108 (6:00 a.m.)
[必]联络方式: 站内信
[必]付费方式: 20180108 9:00 p.m 汇款
[选]试 译 文:
To acquire a balance between cost (profit) and customer satisfaction, the
world's major aircraft manufacturers also apply lots of strategies, such as
the joint procurement with the other aircraft makers, flexible contract to
share the risk together and reduce the cost. Through the integrating
procurement, manufacturing and sales with the cooperation with supplier and
customer, the win-win will be achieved.
There is a broad way involved by the inventory management in aircraft
manufacturing industry. Internally for a business, there are different
indexes for the performance of inventory management among different sectors.
The procurement model based on the pattern of less quantity and more batches
that enhances the turnover rate contributes to the performance at procurement
sector but cause possible material shortage to the production and cost of
production in project.
The purchased quantity and firm size affect supplier’s priority of delivery.
Smaller aircraft manufacturers are constrained by limited bargaining power
and only acquire good supply through joint procurement or excess procurement.