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1. Measures designed to prevent weapons, dangerous substances and devices int
ended for use against people, ship or ports-and the carriage of which is n
ot authorised-from being taken onboard the ship.
2. Identification of the restricted areas-and measures for the prevention of
unauthorized access to them.
3. Measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to ship.
4. Procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security-incl
uding provisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship or ship/port
5. Procedures for responding to any security instructions that contracting gov
ernments may issue at Security level 3.
6. Procedures for evacuation in the event of security threats or breaches of s
7. Duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities and of ot
her shipboard personnel relating to issues of security.
8. Procedures for auditing security activities.
9. Procedures for training, drills and exercises associated with the plan.
10. Procedures for interfacing with port facility security activities.