nina888 (= =)
2016-09-07 17:41:45前其提要:消费者要求在手环(c型/开口型)内侧客制化雷射雕刻特定文字,且要求位置
Regarding to the place, we can't put the laser on the edge of bangle because o
f the opening of cuff is too small that the rays leaving the laser don't go th
rough. Can we put the laser inside in the middle of bangle( see photo attached
) ?
作者: Megacephalo (Charlie Brown) 2016-09-07 18:14:00
Regarding the position for laser engraving,the bracelet's gap does not allow the laser beamallow the laser beam to reach either sides of theeither sides (ends) but to the center part of thebracelet. Therefore we are not able to engravethe demanded letters close to the edge of theinner side close to the bracelet's gap.(Please refer to the attached picture.the position of the logo is marked in red.)抱歉,不太会用PTT,不过意思应该是这样吧?给您参考!