[已征到] 诚征熟悉电子量测技术的译者

楼主: Dadai123 (Dadai)   2016-03-03 14:51:08
[必]负 责 人:陈渝
[必]地  址:台北市大安区和平东路一段77号9楼之一
[必]电  话:(02) 2322-3110
[必]所属领域:1. 电子量测仪器操作
2. 电子量测技术
[必]报酬计算:英翻中,每个英文字NT$ 0.8 (含标点符号)
固定配合译者于次月 15 日以银行汇款方式支付稿费
* 工作份量:每份文件长度约为 2 - 4 页 A4-size word 档
* 专业领域:电子量测, 电机, 无线通讯, 半导体等技术
* 文件性质:产品型录、技术专文、新闻稿
* 案件难易度:中等
* 翻译方式:必须使用 wordfast 进行翻译 (可提供翻译工具与训练)
* 截稿日期:需长期配合之译者,无特定截稿日
[必]联 络 人:杨小姐
不论有没有录取我们都会以E-mail 通知您。
1. The key advantage of the ADS DynaFET model is its ability to accurately
predict dynamic memory effects caused by thermal and trapping phenomena,
which in turn provides unprecedented accuracy when predicting gain and
power added efficiency (PAE) – two key figures of merit in RF PA circuit
2. In general, PAs are designed using load-pull simulation. This technique
involves sweeping the output load over a set of impedances, generating
various contours for power and efficiency, and picking the load value that
gives the designer the needed performance. Unfortunately, load-pull
simulation doesn’t work well with a complex switching mode amplifier like
Class E.

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