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After the research, the report is found that the factors of turnover
intention, the main factors are organizational commitment and job
satisfaction. In the other word, the promotion influences organizational
commitment and job satisfaction negatively and the promotion influences
turnover intention negatively, too. Then the relation between organizational
commitment and job satisfaction also has affected each other.
[选]试 译 文:Abstract:
Turnover intention is an important factor for Taiwan international tourism
With the international tourism hotel growing, hotels are also carrying on the
turnover intention of hotel employee. The factor becomes the management key
In this study, used employees who work over 1 year basic staff. We examined
the highly factor within organization commitment, job satisfaction and
turnover intention. This research uses questionnair survey, the questionnair
total were 300 sheets.
After the research, the report is found that the factors of turnover
intention, the main factors are organizational commitment and job
satisfaction. In the other word, the promotion influences organizational
commitment and job satisfaction negatively and the promotion influences
turnover intention negatively, too. Then the relation between organizational
commitment and job satisfaction also has affected each other.