[心得] 本土剧的颠覆性+思瑶小分析

楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 15:01:05
A Short Analysis on Taiwanese Local Melodrama Siyao+Xiaoting
The queer couple Siyao and Xiaoting currently featured in the Taiwanese Set
TV series provides us with an alternative conceptualization to perceive the
long dismissed genre of local melodrama that challenges the hegemony of the
Enlightenment realism, and a glimpse of the formation of the self-alienation
that results in a paradoxical narcissistic subject who cedes the object of
love to the other as a defense mechanism. This short analysis will lead
through the theoretical discourses with a psychoanalytical slant. The aim of
this analysis lies in the query of the tandem between the unreliability of
the narrative and the agency of such an unreliable narrative.
The subversive elements of local melodrama
Without much introduction to the Enlightenment project, its ideology, and
realism which follow its suits, I prefer to point out the pitfalls of
realism. 1) the omnipresent, omnipotent narrator presupposes a viewpoint that
is above all human beings and implies a moral high point that could be
assumed by the reader/viewer. 2) the plot which must be rational, or in other
words explainable, tends to ignore the antagonism of
individual/cultural/social/political dimensions in real life. 3) the
characterization of round vs. flat character with an overwhelming emphasis on
the round character, though in a sense does pay attention to the human depth,
more often than not stereotypes character and consequently compromises human
complexity such as weakness and darkness. 4) the linear temporality preferred
in realism ignores that human perception of time never coincides with the
scientifically flowing time. Rather human experience of time of encounters a
frozen or even regression of time that cannot be accounted of be the
I would like to point out that the multiple narratives adopted by Taiwanese
local melodrama is extreme progressive in a sense because this fundamentally
challenged the omnipresence and the omnipotence of the narrator. With
multiple narratives which could testify or contradict each other, there no
longer exists a single point of view and a highest moral stand. The strategy
of Set, I would like to further point out, of simultaneously shooting and
casting, creates highly unreliable narratives and characterizations that
cannot be consistently rationalized. These, to some viewers, may appear
unacceptable and ridiculous, and many viewers may put many efforts to find a
consistency in the characters who weaver all the time. However, it is exactly
the subversive elements of local melodrama in terms of challenging the
western uni-centrism that the east learns to adore since the colonialism.
Narcissism, the object of love, and love for the other
Since Siyao lost her eyesight, I observe a narcissistic regression that leads
her unintentionally to paradoxically cede the object of love in order gain
love of the other. This is, as many has observed, she always does, but I
would like to put this in a psychoanalytic framework. The common usage of
narcissism often misleads. In psychoanalysis we call someone narcissistic
when the one in concerned refuses ceding the object of love or cedes just
merely in return of more. Ceding concerns the formation of a symbolic
subject. In the infantile stage, the infant has no distinction between the
maternal/caretaker body/voice and its own. Once the infant’s basic need such
as food is not fulfilled, however, there occurs alienation which makes the
mother/caretaker a formidable other, a maternal other that the infant both
loves and fears. In response to the unfulfilled need, but more as a response
to its own need of attachment to the maternal other, the infant cedes its
object of love to the maternal other. The ceding of object of love usually
involves the so-called growth or learning of the infant such as control of
feces or self-feeding. The ceding to a certain degree will pleases the
maternal other, but at this stage the symbolic father has entered and the
infant is now in the process of becoming the subject. It no longer relies
solely on the maternal other for identification; the symbolic father at this
plays a molding role.
In the case of Syiao, I defines her as narcissism because 1) she has no
scruple to give up everything for Xiaoting, which leads me to the assumption
that this is indeed a very attaching love. 2) she cedes Xiaoting not due to
lack of love but because she would rather Xiaoting loves her as she remaining
perfect, a gesture, in other words, begging for more love.
The above argument is founded on the assumption that Xiaoting can serve as
Siyao’s maternal other. I would say that although Siyao has tended to play
the strong, she is the one who is more unsecure internally, as we can find in
many of her solos and her social attitude.
作者: Gabby1122 (叫我盖比不要加大啦)   2014-06-15 15:12:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 15:16:00
splitting, i think, is Syiao's fundamental issue
作者: sphinx1031 (正妹的眼光通常是歪的)   2014-06-15 15:16:00
作者: onor (因为在乎)   2014-06-15 15:24:00
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 15:28:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 15:34:00
作者: alicecute (Alice)   2014-06-15 15:34:00
以为后面会有中译文结果没有XDDDDD 只好慢慢看...
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 15:35:00
作者: shingou (杏果)   2014-06-15 15:38:00
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 15:39:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 15:40:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 15:44:00
啊~英文~倒地不起~~我只知道Narcissus是西方神话 水仙花的由来>"<
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 15:46:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 15:47:00
感谢esasin 我先道歉用英文写 因为用中文我无法写理论
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 15:48:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 15:48:00
如果对精神分析有敌意看这篇依定会消化不良的 虽然我必须
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 15:49:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 15:51:00
澄清我是Lacan/Zizek派 在这这派别的脉络下自恋只是一种
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 15:52:00
我是很好奇+疑问 思瑶在编排上设为强者/父权 代表我是指瑶婷二人关系上..不包括抓奸那一段
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 15:54:00
一种主体对小客体(objet petit a)的索取方式不同其他主体思瑶的确是有代表symbolic order的面向 但是那样太简化了
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 15:58:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 15:58:00
如果考虑到the imaginary和the real另外两个层次 思瑶其
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 15:59:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:00:00
确如二楼说的是split的状态 但是我检视她整体发展还是认为整体上是呈现infantile regression的状态 也就显现出了
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:03:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:03:00
自恋倾向 我认为失明与其说是repression更多是regression
作者: lword (Ali)   2014-06-15 16:04:00
妈啊 这篇怎么那么专业@@!
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:05:00
如果要讨论identification还是停留在symbolic层次 但是
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:06:00
作者: glovech (loe)   2014-06-15 16:06:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:06:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:07:00
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 16:07:00
国文老师让我大笑了 XDDDDDDDD
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:09:00
自我防御是我简化的说法 如果真的要很细致的说 是一种
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 16:10:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:11:00
紧抓着imaginary的image(love object)用来抵御the real的
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 16:12:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:12:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:12:00
随时会炸出来的主体本身的匮乏性 这也在思瑶的完美主义呈
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:13:00
认同~是说看八点档,看到这样子 我还是第一次
作者: trueblue (Flung Out Of Space)   2014-06-15 16:13:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:14:00
之前都一直笑我妈 边看边睡沙发
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 16:14:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:14:00
现出来 思瑶的自恋在于她想要守的完美形象其实也是自我
作者: coleridge (柯~荔枝!)   2014-06-15 16:15:00
her gesture of love leads to be the splitting between narcissism and perfectionism, back to regression,which completes her own attachment toward her own subject.
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:15:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:16:00
异化(alienation) 她对于晓婷这个母性他者的态度我写过了thx coleridge for explaining for me
作者: uma1121 (早安:))   2014-06-15 16:18:00
作者: P636516 (P636516)   2014-06-15 16:22:00
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 16:23:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:25:00
真心推一篇晓婷的Personl Unconscious..这角色心理太豊富
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 16:25:00
If:思瑶没有失明呢? 我说的split不是针对失明后的状态完美主义很难不指向splitting,或者思瑶对伟哲的态度也是
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 16:32:00
esasin我同意妳 思瑶本身站在symbolic里是传统男性的位置但她又要做到所有的位置兼顾 基本上就是会涉及到社会文化里面的antagonism 这势必会导致real面相出来引爆主体的fundamental lack 失明则是再带出regression
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:44:00
symbolic里是传统男性的位置,被我归为是Projection思瑶从跟晓婷相爱后,就开启了ego-defen-se mechanisms
作者: lvgecg123 (徐哈哈)   2014-06-15 16:50:00
真的很专业 看完好像上了一课
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 16:51:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 16:58:00
作者: bluechm (布布 )   2014-06-15 17:02:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:03:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 17:03:00
在我的私心看来失明是return of the real是思瑶要面对的
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 17:04:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 17:05:00
功课 思瑶太被侷限在symbolic中而忽略the real的反扑力量
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:05:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 17:09:00
看H大要定义怎样的出柜 如果只是symbolic层次当然有 但是在实际的the real的面向我认为思瑶没有跟自己出柜 她是直
作者: lts0716   2014-06-15 17:11:00
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 17:12:00
接去assumeue一个既定的gender role
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 17:13:00
关于"一个男人"该给妻小的生活,agree~return是在原PO分析的脉络下,也惟有如此他才不必再用分裂的方式去处理good & bad
作者: memorytsai (memorytsai)   2014-06-15 17:17:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:18:00
作者: lts0716   2014-06-15 17:25:00
另外,思瑶是一直都在begging for more love,一个人强烈
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:25:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 17:29:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:31:00
作者: lts0716   2014-06-15 17:32:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:33:00
作者: lts0716   2014-06-15 17:34:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:34:00
所以我才觉得晓婷在"爱"的地位 太过卑微..不过是对谁错字太多~国文老师会抓狂
作者: lts0716   2014-06-15 17:35:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:36:00
更正 不论是对谁
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 17:43:00
在我的理论脉络中晓婷可以算是pervert的主体 请不要跟一一般的pervert搞混喔~ 但是我今天好累改天再来写
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-15 17:45:00
作者: cowog (cowog)   2014-06-15 17:51:00
作者: coleridge (柯~荔枝!)   2014-06-15 18:01:00
return of the real是条明路,但没有realise的话,何来return or release 之有? repression, regression都是后事。不对,不是后事。my bad.
作者: tlpil (with love)   2014-06-15 18:34:00
我觉得思瑶是一个自我认同非常僵化的人 在瑶哲 婷瑶中她都是主导的那方 我猜这和她原生家庭有稳固的分工有关 相较晓婷在婷哲 瑶婷 都是属于全心全意去包容对方 以对方为主
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 18:36:00
就是原PO说的pervert: only say yes(有兴趣请google)
作者: Damance (Damance)   2014-06-15 18:36:00
终于了解那一堆英文是什么了~囧 我满赞同这个说法的~
作者: TTTTTkkkkk (TK)   2014-06-15 18:36:00
作者: TTL2009 (肮肮泥豪)   2014-06-15 19:17:00
咦..是我按 → 的方式不对吗....Orz
作者: xyz710263p (住海边)   2014-06-15 19:38:00
@o@ 放弃~(飘走
作者: iWhat (莫名其妙)   2014-06-15 20:32:00
默默路过+看不懂推......... <妈我对不起妳没好好读书>
作者: rileymurray (Riley)   2014-06-15 20:37:00
很想认真看,但我.... 囧"
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 20:45:00
作者: tearheart (CT)   2014-06-15 20:45:00
XD 默默飘走
作者: bridgetw (桥总)   2014-06-15 20:53:00
作者: sucloud   2014-06-15 20:56:00
瑶婷已经无国界了哦0...0 看不懂推+1
作者: Luke74 (Luke74)   2014-06-15 21:00:00
作者: kenzierj (No Regrets)   2014-06-15 21:08:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 21:29:00
作者: bluechm (布布 )   2014-06-15 21:39:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 21:43:00
作者: rrcmjp (小r)   2014-06-15 22:18:00
荔枝~~大耶在呼唤你~~紧来哦( ′﹀‵)/︴<>< <>< <>< <><
作者: coleridge (柯~荔枝!)   2014-06-15 22:35:00
收到飞鸽衔来一张召唤卡.. 但我有反转召唤卡喔!嘿嘿~大家可以看in the case of siyao那段就大概可以明白了
楼主: concious (one day more)   2014-06-15 23:08:00
害羞举手 如果可以的话前一段理论看一下还是会比较好真的很抱歉荼毒大家了 但我真的中文太烂...
作者: coleridge (柯~荔枝!)   2014-06-15 23:16:00
con大抱歉.. 你的文章写得很好,是该完整读完。
作者: xyz710263p (住海边)   2014-06-15 23:22:00
作者: bridgetw (桥总)   2014-06-15 23:23:00
英文太烂+1 Orz
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 23:24:00
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 23:26:00
作者: rrcmjp (小r)   2014-06-15 23:36:00
楼上你还有java啊XDDD java语言也不是很好懂得捏XDDDDD
作者: xyz710263p (住海边)   2014-06-15 23:37:00
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 23:38:00
作者: coleridge (柯~荔枝!)   2014-06-15 23:43:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-15 23:45:00
作者: iWhat (莫名其妙)   2014-06-15 23:45:00
<跪> <抱一下版版的大腿> >///< 请救救蔡英文 XDDD
作者: rrcmjp (小r)   2014-06-15 23:46:00
叉烧我哪里坏惹~~ 我是认真的好吗XDDDD我也曾被java伤得体无完肤啊~~~~(远目
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 23:47:00
作者: xyz710263p (住海边)   2014-06-15 23:48:00
作者: coleridge (柯~荔枝!)   2014-06-15 23:49:00
先说我没办法喔.. 翻成中文对我来说太难了!没办法应付长篇中文!我会死掉。
作者: bridgetw (桥总)   2014-06-15 23:50:00
作者: iWhat (莫名其妙)   2014-06-15 23:50:00
java还好我也会泡茶拖地...还会刷厕所跟洗碗... >//<
作者: javapie (盲目与耳背)   2014-06-15 23:51:00
有国文老师在怕什么 (<—牵拖!大误
作者: rrcmjp (小r)   2014-06-15 23:52:00
VB,C,JAVA都学过....现在还不是只记得Hello World XDDDDD没有用就会忘啦....又不是一天到晚都要跟电脑沟通XDDDD
作者: bridgetw (桥总)   2014-06-15 23:54:00
Hello World我都差点忘了XDDDDDDDDDDD
作者: le0913   2014-06-16 01:10:00
作者: grassss10 (野火烧不尽)   2014-06-16 01:18:00
作者: lts0716   2014-06-16 01:42:00
作者: lword (Ali)   2014-06-16 06:54:00
作者: sphinx1031 (正妹的眼光通常是歪的)   2014-06-16 07:01:00
作者: cafefish68   2014-06-16 08:34:00
作者: zhickun (阿不就好棒棒)   2014-06-16 09:25:00
作者: cowog (cowog)   2014-06-16 10:38:00
作者: discuz7 (夜 行猴)   2014-06-16 11:48:00
tlw 版一堆强者,是怎样啦!XD
作者: perle01 (perle)   2014-06-16 12:06:00
推专业文 英文ok但理论无能(汗其实我觉得思瑶还蛮好理解的 反而是晓婷现在变来变去 我看谋期待con大也可以分析一下
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-16 16:51:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-17 01:09:00
作者: esasin (玫瑰色)   2014-06-17 01:27:00
作者: HIGHDAY (highday)   2014-06-17 01:31:00
作者: yazi   2014-06-17 17:52:00
超后悔大学时不乖乖嗑原文书而选偷懒又不认真的看中译本Q Q

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