[请益] (赚顾问费)请问该去聊聊吗

楼主: gothmog (胖过头)   2020-09-17 18:49:54
Mail内容如下 (每封都差不多)
Telephone Consultation Request
Dear XXX
Good day to you.
My name is Xxx and I work for Xxx,a leading company that connects our clients wi
th subject matter experts(附上公司网址)
I'm reaching out regarding a paid consulting request. Currently, I have a client
, a global consulting firm based in Asia, who would like to speak to some expert
s who are familiar with Energy Management System. (Same as the request Irma info
If you are interested in speaking with them, we will set up a 30-60 minute paid
phone consultation at a prorated hourly rate of your choosing. (For your informa
tion, our advisor's average rate is around USD300- USD 800 /hour.)
You would never be asked to discuss your current employer or any private or conf
idential information during the call, and we would provide you with a few pre-sc
reening questions prior to the consultation so you can better gauge the topic of
Your completion of the application form below will allow you to set your hourly
consulting rate, provide availability, and view the topic details provided direc
tly by my client:
My client is working on a time-sensitive deadline for this request, so if you co
uld please get back to me either way at your earliest convenience, I would great
ly appreciate it. Consultations are typically scheduled within 24 hours.
Please feel free to contact me for any query.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to hear back from you soon.
Best regards,
本来以为是市调或产业研究机构 (就是你可以
花钱跟他买报告那种),觉得很麻烦 通常是直
今天又收到一封 ,想说最近有点闲,赚个外快
也好,没想到google一下公司名称 ,赫然发现
(内文提到的 Guidepoint Global与Vista)
大家觉得去聊聊 Ok吗
PS:我只是小小的欧洲外商Sales VP,不是什么研发大头
作者: temjin707   2020-09-17 18:56:00
作者: blackrays (黑芒)   2020-09-17 19:21:00
作者: StreetLight (我想念我自己)   2020-09-17 19:21:00
都做到VP了 缺这点小钱吗 科科都做到VP了 这点小事都不会判断呵呵
楼主: gothmog (胖过头)   2020-09-17 19:31:00
回楼上检察官指控伟创力前主管席门,提供了伟创力客户苹果电脑的热门产品iPhone“极机密”的销售预测与产品特色资料,并获取了超过22,000美元的顾问费用。22000美金 都要赚了
作者: meRscliche (如此而已)   2020-09-17 19:33:00
作者: ECZEMA (加油!)   2020-09-17 19:37:00
我收过 linkedin 一小时四百镁邀约问半导体未来发展 拒绝
作者: StreetLight (我想念我自己)   2020-09-17 20:07:00
作者: boombastick (快乐很容易~)   2020-09-17 23:46:00
作者: temjin707   2020-09-18 10:18:00
靠邀 我也收到了 不过我就一个工程师应该没必要问我
作者: x61s (x61series)   2020-09-18 12:15:00
我也收过 说了没兴趣还一直卢
作者: wonder123 (上穷碧落下蓝泉)   2020-09-18 12:56:00
作者: ruth7050 (牙膏)   2020-09-20 20:24:00
作者: wensday (Eyes On Me)   2020-09-22 12:05:00
我的工作的一部份就是帮客户做这种访谈 我们是真的不会问机密 我才不想知道机密勒 不过我一般不会找台湾人 因为台湾人一般都不会接受这种咨询 欧美大概问十个有八个会答应中国人新加坡香港日本人通常也都会答应同事还问过我说台湾人是因为英文不太好还是怎样

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