Fw: [国中] since不能加ago吗?

楼主: perspicuity (scalper)   2016-09-18 14:57:57
※ [本文转录自 Teacher 看板 #1NtZVhcj ]
→ dunchee : 书里这部份)(仍是有美国人说有这样子使用/遇到) 09/18 09:48
→ dunchee : 我查过的usage books里头(比如Webster's Dictionary 09/18 09:48
→ dunchee : of English Usage)顶多只提到这种句型的不可以: 09/18 09:48
→ dunchee : ".... ago since ....",目前为止我尚未找到有明确 09/18 09:49
→ dunchee : 说不可以的(英文母语学者著作的)usage/grammar 09/18 09:49
→ dunchee : books 用英文写不代表母语就是英文 两回事 09/18 09:49
Collins Cobuild English Usage, page 35.
You also do not say that soemthing has been happening 'since three years ago'.
You say that it has been happening for three years.

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