ChenDao (陈到字叔至)
2018-04-21 00:59:16既然3r都发了冥灯文
After 5 bet of games, 明灯 or professionally known as Light
were compared with rrr518's result
the research done in this paper aims
to discuss the basic of how the Light works
in order for future studys in bet and games.
明灯 beside being translated as the light
which metaphorically refers as the guide or direction
that gamblers or gamers looks for
in most of the times it is done through careful
analysis and calculation of statistics
Research was done on 5 games separately
and the light always predict the right choice or the right direction
There is only 1 participant in this very study
the game is designed as such that
labeling from 1 to 8 each representing a choice
and participant is only allowed to choose one number
the result as shown that the participant, Chendao
always predicted it correctly
The light has a very important role in any given games
as the light need to be careful in giving direction
Firstly, if assuming the light would always make the right choice
giving out too much information destroy the basis of the game
Secondly, to think oppositely, if assuming the light
would sometimes be wrong, the mis-information lay out to the public
might cause the Light's life to be endangered
further study could be done on the principal of how the Light works