I've looked for love in stranger placesꀊ我寻觅真爱已久ꀊBut never found someone like youꀊ最后终于遇见了你ꀊSomeone whose smileꀊ你的ㄧ颦ㄧ笑ꀊMakes me feel I've been holding backꀊ让我神魂颠倒ꀊAnd now there's nothing I can't doꀊ天啊 无法自拔
Cause this is real, and this is goodꀊ你让我感觉如此真实 如此美好ꀊIt warms the inside just like it shouldꀊ你让我情绪沸腾ꀊBut most of all it's built to lastꀊ我爱你到永远
All of our friends saw from the startꀊ朋友们一开始就看好我们ꀊSo why didn't we believe it too?ꀊ我看 咱们就顺应民意吧ꀊNow look where you areꀊ哇塞 你已神不知鬼不觉的
You're in my heart nowꀊ跑到我心坎里ꀊAnd there's no escaping it for youꀊ想必这ㄧ切是命中注定
Cause this is real, and this is goodꀊ你让我感觉如此真实 如此美好ꀊIt warms the inside just like it shouldꀊ实在很想对你深情告白ꀊBut most of all it's built to lastꀊ我爱你到永远
Walking on the hills that nightꀊ还记得那一夜ꀊWith those fireworks and candlelightꀊ我俩漫步烟火微亮的山坡ꀊYou and I were made to get love rightꀊ我心想 我俩真是天生一对
'Cause this is real, and this is goodꀊ你让我感觉如此真实 如此美好ꀊIt warms the inside just like it shouldꀊ实在很想对你深情告白ꀊBut most of all it's built to lastꀊ我爱你到永远
Cause you are the sun in my universeꀊ你就如太阳照亮了我的世界ꀊConsidered the best when we've felt the worstꀊ有你在身旁 即使天塌下来也无所谓ꀊAnd most of all…ꀊ实在很想对你深情告白….ꀊIt's built to lastꀊ我爱你到永远
ChenDao (陈到字叔至)
2018-01-22 12:34:00Lost in the echoTime of my life
作者: lpbrother (趴趴153豆瓣LP哥) 2018-01-22 13:48:00
我觉得Lost in the echo好黑暗怎么会这样……好难过QAQQQ 我的好心情被破坏光光
厚Time of my life真的有点像老派西洋歌的节奏欸你可以去看看歌词就知道了你看完还是不能理解,我再跟你说说我的看法豆面~你觉得怎样~~~~
作者: lpbrother (趴趴153豆瓣LP哥) 2018-01-22 14:28:00