※ 引述《hope2012 (宜人)》之铭言:
: Many health plans now cover their services, and they regularly care for
: clients ranging from the ___ ill to professional athletes.
: (B)21.(A)commly (B)chronically (C)ordinarily (D)unusually
: 答案是不是给错了? 应该是A或C吧?
commonly : usually ; very often ; by most people
ex: commonly held opinion. commonly used method
ordinarily : in a normal way
ex: to behave ordinarily
(C) ordinarily 感觉就很不对,可以去掉
(B) chronically 很OK 用google查 the chronically ill也很多搜寻结果出现
(A) commonly 查了一下它的collocation大多是
commonly used/applied for , be commonly related to...
commonly misspelled/confused words , commonly abused drugs
总结,commonly 会在 agent + V + patient这种结构中出现
[people] [words;drugs]
很少直接拿来修饰形容词 (原题的ill为adj.)
但 common illness 还蛮常用的,所以可能被这种用法影响到这题的作答