74. The method used by Wadati to determine the depths of earthquakes is
most like which of the following?
(A) Determining the depth of a well by dropping stones into the well and
timing how long they take to reach the bottom
(B) Determining the height of a mountain by measuring the shadow it casts at
different times of the day
(C) Determining the distance from a thunderstorm by timing the interval
between the flash of a lightning bolt and the thunder it produces
(D) Determining the distance between two points by counting the number of
paces it takes to cover the distance and measuring a single pace
这题答案是(C), 我写(A)
Instead of comparing the arrival times of seismic waves at different
locations, as earlier researchers had done, Wadati relied on a time
difference between the arrival of primary (P) waves and the slower secondary
(S) waves.