ILwewe (Greenland)
2021-08-12 02:35:54[代PO]
帮朋友PO的, 但有问题也可以联络我
Prof. Michael T. Yeung 在SUNY-Albany at New York在征博士生
Prof. Michael T. Yeung跟我是多年好友兼前实验室同事, 研究领域为无机材料
为人有趣, 不push, 乐于帮助指导学生, 亚洲面孔但不会说中文
实验室欢迎有研究热诚的学生申请, 尤其是有SEM 跟PXRD经验的学生
Prof. Micahel Yeung对台湾学生很有好感, 有兴趣的学生烦在12月前申请
目前实验室研究方向为new boride lamelletes, transparent conductors,
metastable materials, heterogeneous catalysis
The research lab of Prof. Michael Yeung at the University at Albany- SUNY in
New York will have openings for materials chemists with a bachelor's degree
and experience in powder X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.
Research projects include new boride lamellates, transparent conductors,
metastable materials, and heterogeneous catalysts. Applicants will be
encouraged to apply before December so that they may be considered for
graduate student scholarships. Prospective graduate students are encouraged
to look at the group website, yeunglab.com for more information, or contact
the professor at [email protected] Established in 1844 and designated a
University Research Center of the State University of New York in 1962, the
University at Albany's broad mission of excellence in undergraduate and
graduate education, research and public service engages a diverse student
body of more than 17,900 students in nine schools and colleges across three
campuses. Located in Albany, New York, New York State's capital, the
University is convenient to Boston, New York City and the Adirondacks.
Research will be led by Prof. Michael T. Yeung who received his Ph.D in
Inorganic Chemistry from the University of California, Los Angeles. He then
moved to Northwestern University as a Postdoctoral Awardee in the U.S.
Department of Energy, Office of Energy, Efficiency and Renewable Energy
(EERE) Postdoctoral Research Award Program.