[情报] CSU SFSU SJSU Fall改线上上课

楼主: cinqjoy (就已)   2020-05-13 04:35:03
CSU campuses, including 4 Bay Area universities, to remain closed through fall
semester, chancellor announces
CSU Chancellor Timothy White made the announcement Tuesday, which will affect
all 23 of its universities, including San Francisco State, San Jose State and
Cal State East Bay, and Sonoma State.
作者: DlinBetances (DellinBetances)   2020-05-13 15:38:00
申请CSU系统的我 感觉真的要明年才能去
作者: Transfat (Transfat)   2020-05-13 16:01:00
傻眼... 那还要去美国吗

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