notlE (notlE)
2019-08-20 15:42:52KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
位于沙特阿拉伯, 2009年成立
在板上 / KAUST 有几篇相关介绍 如下连结 在此就不赘述
以下代PO, 有问题欢迎推文/站内信询问
Positions for MS/Ph.D. students interested to work on
high-efficiency AI and ML distributed systems at Big-Learning scales.
We are looking for students and interns to join a fast-paced
and tight-knit team who is on a mission to take deep learning
to the next level.
We are a group of systems builders and we focus on the scalability,
efficiency and robustness of deep learning.
The group website is at https://sands.kaust.edu.sa/
It includes our recent publications, project descriptions,
open positions and information on how to apply.
As a student, make sure you read this first:
KAUST is a fantastic place to study and live at.
Every student is fully funded with a generous fellowship
that covers a stipend, housing and more.
Here is a brief summary of our set up and what we offer at KAUST
( https://www.kaust.edu.sa ).
For Research:
Our goal is to perform world-class and transformative research.
The funding conditions and connections with other top universities
are excellent. This enables us to tackle ambitious projects.
Funding also enables travel to support trips to conferences and
extended stays in other research groups for collaborations.
Also, all the facilities are top notch