[情报] 南加大USC法律与英语暑期课程-接受申请中

楼主: JLTW (JLTW)   2019-01-29 11:07:41
南加大法学院的 2019 "法律与英语" 暑期课程 (Summer Law & English, SLE) 已开始接
受申请! 未来将赴美攻读 Law 相关硕士课程, 或是纯粹安排暑期进修的朋友们, 欢迎参
加此一为期四周 (7/9 ~ 8/3) 的密集暑期课程, 除提升英语说写能力外, 同时进行美国
有兴趣的朋友们, 别忘了于 5/15 前提出申请!
课程官网: https://gould.usc.edu/academics/other/sle/
截止日期: May 15, 2019
课程日期: 7/15 – 8/9 (四周)
申请条件: 申请人须于课程开始前满 21 岁, 查看更多 -
[ 简介 ]
USC Gould's Summer Law and English (SLE) four-week intensive strengthens your
English speaking and writing proficiency, while helping you build a
foundation for future legal studies in the United States. This Summer Law &
English program will run from July 15 - August 9, 2019.
All levels of English fluency are welcome.
While SLE provides informative instruction, it does not grant a degree. You
will receive a document from USC Gould that certifies completion of SLE.
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