我是今年申请UCL的同学,在线上的申请系统需要上传一个叫 Home Institution Confirm
ation 的资料,但我实在不确定他想说明的意思,我个人的理解有两个:
1. 找帮我出学费的家长签名盖章(做保人的意思?!)。
2.找我的原大学来支持我study abroad(可是这怎么想都很奇怪。
底下撷取官方网站对其的解释:Your home institution must support your applicatio
n for Study Abroad. Please ask your institution to provide a signed and stampe
d confirmation of their support on headed paper, as well as confirmation of th
e Study Abroad scheme you are applying under. Alternatively, please ask your h
ome institution/sponsor to complete the Host Institution Slip. Applications th
at are not supported by your home institution will not be considered.