Admission: Northwestern U
Program: Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Genetic engineering, super-resolution imaging, cancer diag
nostic and therapeutics.
Rejection: Yale, BU
Pending: UCI( interview in March),UPenn, CMU, Duke, Caltech, Harvard, UCLA.
Decision: Northwestern, but still waiting for other school interviews.
BS: UCSC 2.71/4
MS: Tufts U 3.7/4
One year as an exchange student at Genetic Department in Harvard Medical Schoo
l. (这也是我自己争取的, 好在两边学校都同意, 我第二年都在哈佛医学院, 学分也
math:158, English:151, writing: 3
Work experience:
1. City of Hope Medical Center summer internship
2. Research Associate at UCLA
3. Research Associate at a genomic company
4. Massachusetts General Hospital (center for engineering in medicine) summer
5. Research mentor at Tufts U BME 3 course
Sop: 给两位教授看过。 Described my background, previous research experience, c
urrent research experience and future directions. I am considered the team lea
der in a few projects and I was sent to China for technology transfer.
CV: Listed my work experience and job description. Publications. My license (
Bloomberg Market Concept Certificate)
Recommendation Letter:
Tufts 教授
哈佛大学基因工程大牛( father of the human genome project)
14篇 journal(两篇一作)
一篇 book chapter (一作)
Journal citations:291
一篇 journal submitted to Lancet Oncology.
另外两篇 journal soon to be submitted, 都是 high impact factor.
Scholarship/ funding: NSF GRFP graduate fellowship and GEM fellowship ( pendin
结论:我完全是靠工作经验,publications 和大牛的推荐信, 所以决定了目标就不要放
弃!我在哈佛的实验室会收 international student for the exchange program (一,
两学期这样)我知道 UCLA 也会收暑期的。 所以多看看你周边的资源, 能用就尽量用。