2018-02-08 11:40:45计画赴美修读法学硕士? 或纯粹有兴趣了解美国法律吗?
南加大法学院的 2018 法律与英语暑期课程 (Summer Law & English) 邀请您参加为期
四周 (7/9 ~ 8/3) 的密集暑期课程, 除提升英语说写能力外, 法学院教授也开课讲授基础
美国法律的相关议题. 此外, 课程也安排多项户外行程, 包括造访法院及美术馆等.
有兴趣的朋友们, 别忘了于 5/19 前提出申请!
课程官网: http://gould.usc.edu/academics/other/sle/
截止日期: May 19, 2018 (Jan. 1, 2018 开放申请)
课程日期: 7/9 – 8/3 (四周)
申请条件: http://gould.usc.edu/academics/other/sle/application/
* 需于开课时满21岁
任何问题: [email protected], 欢迎随时洽询
[ 来自USC 法学院的邀请 ]
Spend your summer in beautiful Los Angeles, develop your English fluency, and
attend law lectures from our faculty at our Summer Law and English program at
USC Gould School of Law! Whether you want to prepare for an LLM program or
just want more exposure to U.S. law, this is a great way to get an overview
of fundamental U.S. law subjects, as well as improve your legal English
skills. We also organize fun excursions to help students get the most out of
their summer, including a courtroom visit and trip to a museum. Apply today
and join us from July 9 – August 3, 2018!