※ [本文转录自 MBA 看板 #1QCW8sO7 ]
作者: albertch06 (Albert) 看板: MBA
标题: Michigan Ross MBA Coffee Chat in Taipei
时间: Thu Dec 14 12:46:43 2017
University of Michigan Stephen M. Ross School of Business will be
hosting a coffee chat in Taipei, Taiwan. If you are interested in
applying to or learning more about Ross, please join us at the event.
A current student or alumnus will host a table and answer any questions
you may have. Each table will have 4-6 prospective students to one host.
Please note that due to space limitations, not all sign-ups will be accepted.
RSVP now to secure your spot. A confirmation will be sent to you before
end-of-day December 25, 2017 to confirm your registration.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Ross MBA 2017 Winter Coffee Chat in Taipei
Date: 2017/12/28 (Thu)
Time: 07:00 pm - 09:00 pm
Location: Mocktini Drink & Eat (台北市敦化南路二段152号-1)
RSVP: http://goo.gl/RajLrQ