[情报] 12/2 南加大 USC 法学院课程申请及说明会

楼主: JLTW (JLTW)   2016-11-23 11:58:28
法律系同学的进修新选择! 除传统的一年制LL.M. 硕士课程, 南加大法学院近年陆续开
设多个新硕士课程, 包括加长版的两年制LL.M., 让外籍学生有机会更深入了解美国法律,
及 "Alternative Dispute" 硕士课程. 届时台北说明会都将加以介绍. 欢迎法律相关
的同学或朋友们报名参加. 另, 活动现场也将邀到多位南加大法学院分享经验与心得!
Time/Date: 7 ~ 9 p.m., Dec. 2 (Fri.), 2016
Place: 请参照报名网站
报名连结: http://gould.usc.edu/how/gip/signup.cfm
* 场次请选择 “Grand Hyatt Taipei – Dec 02, 2016”
* LL.M. 课程官网: http://lawgip.usc.edu/llm/
* USC 法学院具百年历史, 排名全美 top 20 (#19)
: Entertainment Law #2
: Tax Law #12
* 全美最佳大学 (#15)
* 近年新开设硕士课程包括 (更多讯息欢迎上至官方网站参考)-
: 2 Year Extended LL.M. -
: Master of Laws in Alternative Dispute -
[南加大法学院邀请信 - INVITATION from USC Gould School of Law]
Upcoming Information Session in Taipei, Taiwan
At the University of Southern California (USC) Gould School of Law, you will
receive an exceptional legal education. Our courses prepare students for their
ultimate career goals by providing a foundational understanding of core legal
doctrines and practical skills and tools. In addition, you will have great
support from our office of Graduate & International Programs - a full-service
staff dedicated exclusively to supporting international students. You will also
become a lifetime member of the Trojan Family: USC's strong and vibrant alumni
community. To learn more, visit our website at http://gould.usc.edu/how/gip
Join us for an information session to learn more about pursuing your graduate
studies at USC Gould School of Law.
We look forward to meeting you!
南加大USC Gould School of Law 敬邀
联络: USC Taiwan ([email protected]/*

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