irene75 (妈的 电脑见鬼了)
2016-06-07 10:40:33[征室友] Aug/2016 - Jul/2017 (1 Year) $1320/month
两位女生Software Engineers(一位在Facebook, 另一位在Yahoo),
征求一位有正当职业的单身, 无宠物, 无不良习惯女性室友,
一起合租在Santa Clara的 3 Bed 3.5 Bath Townhouse.
(三人房租共$3960/month,与property management签约)
2016年初才交屋的新房子, appliances全是半年新. 第一任房客只住6个月.
以下link可以看floor plan:
三个房间都差不多大13' x 14', 都有自己的Bath在房内,
都有自己的Walk-in Closet.
- 房子地点位于Santa Clara的Homestead Rd.与Kiely Blvd.
- 10 minutes drive to new Apple HQ in Cupertino.
- 5 minutes drive to San Tomas Express Way or Lawrence Express Way.
- 20 minutes drive to Mountain View via Lawrence Express Way & US-101.
- Walking distance to Homestead Rd.上的Shopping plaza (有Safeway, CVS,
UPS, Ross, Water Spring, Taichi Pot, Sumiya Japanese Yakitori).
- Walking distance to Santa Clara Central Park, Community Center and Library.
意者请email: hongyishih@hotmail.com