[问题] 关于是否是录取通知

楼主: victorcool (victorcool)   2015-02-20 00:48:00
我收到一封UCLA的ECE department的信
说他们已经recommended 我的application给graduate division
因为我看到信上也只给我恭喜 可是却也没有附上什么连结(他说说稍晚等graduatw divis
ion 接受 graduate division会在寄过来)
graduate division会拒绝人吗?他们主要审什么?
以下是原文 各位有空请过目
Dear Mr. Wang,
? I am pleased to inform you that we have recommended to the Gradu
ate Di
vision to admit you into the M.S. program in Electrical Engineering at UCLA, s
tarting in the Fall Quarter 2015. If you indicated Ph.D. as the degree objecti
ve on your application, you may apply for admission to the Ph.D. program upon
fulfilling the academic and procedural requirements for the M.S. degree.
? Once the Graduate Division has reviewed and approved our recomme
n, you will receive an email containing links to view your official offer of a
dmission. The Graduate Division's email will also include a link to the forms
required to accept or decline our offer. Financial aid awards will be offered
within the next month.
? On behalf of the department I welcome you to our community and w
ish yo
u every success in your studies. If our EE Office of Graduate Student Affairs
can be of help to you, please contact Ms. Mandy Smith at msmith@seas.ucla.edu
(email preferred) or by phone at (310) 825-9383.
作者: steve1012 (steve)   2015-02-20 00:55:00
要等他审核完 不过应该是上了
作者: fentanyl945 (fentanyl)   2015-02-20 01:12:00
作者: kira1116 (kira1116)   2015-02-20 01:20:00
1.是UCLA EE 不是ECE 2.这个就是EE录取了 只是往上送到graduate division去 原则上都会过 等过几天就会收到另一封信了3.看到你在置底文有上UCSD ECE 基本上UCSD第一封信来也是recommend your admission to ... 基本上就是录取了吧
楼主: victorcool (victorcool)   2015-02-20 01:31:00
kira未免太猛呵呵 你都讲对了 谢啦
作者: williewiz81 (willie)   2015-02-20 01:57:00
作者: boblu (六百)   2015-02-20 02:07:00
十拿九稳 但实务上有看过有人到这个阶段结果被打下来的这种事等于是院打系的脸 非常不给面子 很少见但不是没有
作者: fasthall (Xen)   2015-02-20 08:14:00
九成会上了吧 只是板上也是不乏有人这样没上的
作者: gixd (arpeggio)   2015-02-20 12:05:00
基本上会上! 学校只会看看你有没有犯罪纪录, 成绩单是不是假的这样~ 虽然是月经文 大家碰到很重要的事情难免为过度担心ok der
楼主: victorcool (victorcool)   2015-02-20 13:28:00
G大很能理解我的心情 谢谢你呵呵
作者: xsquared (xx)   2015-02-20 20:00:00
作者: MIKEmike07 (加油!)   2015-02-20 20:09:00
楼上,原PO高兴都来不及了吧XD 恭喜原PO
楼主: victorcool (victorcool)   2015-02-20 20:38:00
对我忘了哈哈哈 大家自己马掉一下呵呵
作者: kira1116 (kira1116)   2015-02-20 21:41:00
来不及了 昨天已截图ㄎㄎ
作者: isCuppi (Cuppi)   2015-02-22 11:15:00

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