2014-06-23 16:04:09南加大 (USC) 医学院相关硕士课程说明会, July 6 (四), 2014
Explore Your Future in Health Innovation:
美国南加州大学医学院教授 Prof. Elahe Nezami,将于七月上旬访台进行拜会。停留台
北期间,Prof. Nezami也将安排时间与日后有兴趣赴美深造医学院相关领域硕士课程的同
[时间] 6:30 ~ 8 p.m., July 10 (Thur.), 2014
[地点] 美国教育资讯中心 (EducationUSA)
台北市延平南路45号3F (近中山堂)
* 现场备有简单点心饮料
[报名] Required, 敬邀上网报名 http://goo.gl/H1woP6
Elahe Nezami, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine Associate Dean for Undergraduate,
Masters and Professional Programs Director for Master's in Global Medicine
Program Co-Director for Master’s in Wireless Health Technology Keck School
of Medicine University of Southern California
[南加大医学相关领域 - 硕士课程]
* Academic Medicine (MACM)
* Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
* Biostatistics
* Experimental and Molecular Pathology
* Global Medicine
* Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
* Neuroimaging and Informatics
* Physiology and Biophysics
* Public Health
* Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
若有任何问题,欢迎随时联系 USC Taiwan Office
(E) usctaip@usc.edu; (T) 02-8789-5679
开设于距离校本部约20分钟路程外的南加大的Health Science Campus。
南加大医学院 与 南加大在台办事处 敬邀
E: usctaip@usc.edu