fineer (好人你情我愿)
2014-05-24 23:27:52※ [本文转录自 part-time 看板 #1JWBdDic ]
作者: fineer (好人你情我愿) 看板: part-time
标题: [多区/个人] 德商贸易公司征业余合作伙伴
时间: Sat May 24 23:24:56 2014
No salary, but 50% share of commission for each business closed
Task description: Identifying and seizing potential Taiwanese customers
from semiconductors industry and research for photo and e-beam resists
(chemical lacquers)
- research of and contact to end users of photo and e-beam resists
- communication and negotiation of technical requirements and commercial
- accompanying WinWinTec staff during visits to Taiwanese customers
- all communication prior to, during and after contracts being closed and
shipment of products
- other tasks on demand
单位名称:WinWinTec UG
地址/网址:Dr.-Arno-Bergmann-Strasse 14
D-99310 Arnstadt, Germany/
web: http://www.winwintec.com
联络人姓氏︰Mrs. Petrasche
Email/电话︰e-mail: kristin.petrasch@winwintec.com
面试时间:personal interview at Shanghai or Guangzhou in July 2014
I am looking for some qualified sales-minded person, either man or woman,
a) Chinese by mother tongue
b) Very good in English or German
c) Ambitious, excellent behaviour and outward appearance
d) Background: semiconductor technology, physics, optical sciences or
similar subjects
e) Excellent handling of all modern computer office programs (excel, word,
powerpoint, skype, mail handling a.s.o.)
Note: PhD students and upper sem ester students will preferably accepted,
because we do not offer a full-time job, but freelancer activity.
(资方征到人请改标题或是通知应征者 多多体谅劳方等待心情)