s90523 (小枫)
2016-04-14 00:03:412-1-2 推文于多篇或同篇多次发表无关该文章或板旨之推文(含广告)、文章代码
→ 以上二者,依推文反应或检举为准,由板主裁定,水桶一个月。
tigotigotigo板友于 #1N3S6rb2 (sex) 中发表大量无关内文推文,
#1N3S6rb2 (sex)
嘘 tigotigotigo: 抽牌准备进主要1 04/13 16:00
嘘 tigotigotigo: You have the right to remain silent. 04/13 16:03
嘘 tigotigotigo: Anything you say can and will be used against 04/13 16:04
→ tigotigotigo: you in a court of law. 04/13 16:04
嘘 tigotigotigo: You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have 04/13 16:06
→ tigotigotigo: him present while you are questioned. 04/13 16:06
嘘 tigotigotigo: If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, 04/13 16:07
→ tigotigotigo: one will be appointed to represent you before 04/13 16:07
→ tigotigotigo: questioning, if you wish one. 04/13 16:07
嘘 tigotigotigo: 就是不给你爆 04/13 16:11
嘘 tigotigotigo: 自反而缩 虽千万人而吾往矣 04/13 16:13
嘘 tigotigotigo: 盖神宣神警神通虚无强脱 结束这回合 04/13 16:15
嘘 tigotigotigo: 罚单 04/13 16:27