[中译] Puzzleup 2014 (13) Points and Arrows

楼主: LPH66 (-6.2598534e+18f)   2014-10-22 22:07:29
题目网址: http://www.puzzleup.com/2014/
答题时限: 10月23日7PM-比赛结束(约12月17日)
加分时限: 10月23日7PM-10月29日6:59PM
◆Points and Arrows
There are X points drawn on a paper. The points are connected by one-way
arrows. All the points have exactly 4 arrows coming in, and exactly 4 arrows
coming out.
If it is possible to reach to any point from any other point by following no
more than two arrows, what can be the maximum value of X?
在纸上有 X 个点。点与点之间以有向箭头连结。
所有点都有正好 4 个连入箭头以及正好 4 个连出箭头。
若可以由任一点沿着不多于两个箭头到达其他任一点,问 X 的最大值为何?

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