I am a professional author(?), __ & teacher. I lovemusic, movies, travelling, good food & wine - I loveto cook. I enjoy my friends & life & where I livewhich is beautiful. 26 mines from the sea __ in thehills surrounded by rainforest & small __. We haveheaps of animals. I also love ancient history &quantum physics. Happy P.C.不确定单字的后面用(?),看不懂的画底线XD另外查了一下,travelling是英式/加拿大用法,heaps of总之就是一堆的意思~这个玩家兴趣超广泛XDD 最后面喜欢历史和量子力学好冲突我是硬解读的..他有些句子我觉得好怪,enjoy friends就看不懂到底是enjoy什么东西XD 还有那个wine也奇怪XD