日本航空 25 日正式来函
In Response to COVID-19, JAL will be waiving the JGC Annual Membership Fee
Thank you for your continued support of the JAL Group.
As a special measure in response to COVID-19, we will be waiving the JAL
Global Club (JGC) annual membership fee of 5,000 miles for the 2023 Service
Year (March 2023 membership renewal).
Additionally, we are announcing some changes to the JGC Program for members
living outside Japan who are not JALCARD members.
日航知道各位在 COVID-19 时代都还是蛮辛苦的,因此再度豁免了 JGC 的年度 5,000
哩的年度扣点 (2023 三月)
另外,针对海外的会员,JGC 拥有 JALCard 的会员们也有所更动年费的方式。