scoma (scoma)
2021-01-24 08:29:21正好在研究怎能拿白金会籍,网络上看到的,似乎还没开放注册活动,但看来似乎不差?
How to Do Status Challenge with IHG:
You must sign up betweenebruary 1 and December 31, 2020. Then complete the following requirements/challenges:
Stay 5 nights (instead of 30) within 120 days from sign up to be upgraded to Platinum Elite status until December 2021.
Stay 2 nights (instead of 7) within 120 days from sign up to be upgraded to Gold Elite status until December 2021.
1. 2021/2/1 - 2021/12/31 前,必须注册活动
2. 活动期间必须完成
a. 120 天内住满 5 个晚上,就可以升级白金卡,效期到 2021 年底
b. 120 天内住满 2个晚上,就可以升级到金卡,效期一样到 2021 年底