SudaPeter (同栖しよう、有村さん)
2019-12-28 13:27:50※ 引述 《jack97 (鸽子咕咕)》 之铭言:
: 这张票被泰航拒绝承认了,
: 但泰航也没有特别联络,只透过系统发了这一封信,
: 信中的重点就是2020年01月02日前你不联络退票,我们就会自动帮你取消进入退款程序,
: 想问其他版友有没有另外有联络到补偿方案的呢?
: 以下信件内容节录:
: Reference is made to your issued Bangkok - Stockholm v.v.ticket on 18-19 Decem
: ber 2019.
: We have to inform you that there is an extraordinary circumstance of erroneous
: distribution of Business class fare during mentioned period because of a mani
: festly incorrect fare.
: (...省略)
: However according to our ticketing policy we cannot accept these issued ticket
: s.
: Your tickets at the price that you paid are not valid for traveling.
: (...省略)
: 1. If you purchased tickets through Thai Airways official website please conta
: ct TG contact center immediately to obtain full price refund according to your
: original form of paymentand allow up to one billing cycle for refunded amount
: s to appear on your card statement.
: 2. If you purchased tickets through an online travel agency ( or other agent )
: please contact the travel agent immediately to obtain full price refund accord
: ing to your original form of payment.
: 3. Please note that the above arrangements should be made no later than Januar
: y 2 2020 17:00 BKK time otherwise your bookings and
: tickets will be cancelled and refund will be automatically processed.
: ※ 引述《Rinehot ()》之铭言:
: : 嗯,如题目所说,我刚刚玩ITA,
: : 发现这段明年有很多商务只要1100美金不到,