wlcj (littlebeard)
2018-08-23 08:14:20Update:
我自己的部分只能发几封求情信给hilton了,也是第一次利用官网point pooling,但牵
※ 引述《wlcj (littlebeard)》之铭言:
: 以下分享惨痛经验...
: 之前在板上跟上站次数好几千的卖家,买了13万点HH,结果几天前突然帐号被锁住不能
: 登入,打去问客服说帐号被close,在跟Fraud department来回N封信后(大约两天一封)
: 终于有人愿意主动告知,而不是罐头信。
: We received notification that the points transferred into your Hilton Honors
: account were not authorized by the sender. As a result, the unauthorized
: points were adjusted and future reservations were cancelled.
: In order to reinstate your account, the original member you received points
: from would need to contact us through the preferred email address on file an
: confirm the transferred points were authorized.
: Please note, without an authenticated email from the original member your
: account will remain closed.
: 看起来只是被误认为偷点数,需要sender寄信给他们才会解开,我那时心想还不简单,
: 但是在对方寄信给hilton之后,还是帐号被锁,继续追问的结果(又过了3~5天),结果
: 卖家点数来源被系统认定有问题
: Thank you for your email.
: Upon further investigation, your friend's account was also closed for
: fraudulent activity so any emails from your friend are invalid. The points
: transferred to your account were stolen from other accounts. All accounts
: involved in the transfer of stolen points are closed accordingly.
: 目前等待卖家回复中,不知道版上有没有其他受害者,希望大家以后买点要小心
: 我是觉得这真的很难预防,钞票还有验钞技术,点数要怎么分辨真伪@@ 有需要点数的
: 可能还是透过官方渠道吧
: ps. 另外有prepaid stay,因为封号hilton也把订房纪录取消,写信问饭店GM,回说
: As the reservation is a prepaid nonrefundable reservation I am afraid we
: cannot refund the balance. The reservation is still in the system, would you
: like me to cancel it or possibly move the dates to a more suitable date?
: 这下罗生门了,不知道大家有没有相关经验或建议?
: 谢谢!