各位ANA白金会员 大家晚安 在下工读生
目的地是伦敦的话 小弟认为这个Deal可以跳过
香港-伦敦 经济舱来回
这张票的代价 19,500 Avios + $214
(19欧 2,246 Avios ~0.3NTD/mile)
19,500*0.3+ 214*30 = 12,270
对比直接买票 香港出发的长荣促销约 14k NTD
暂且不讨论 英航是否很舒适 长荣空服卡年轻等...
如果满手AVIOS点数 或 像我一样朴实以经济舱为首选的话
建议规划伦敦以外的城市 例如:爱丁堡
19,500 Avios + 9,820 NTD 代价约莫 15.7k NTD
※ 引述《ykchen (ykchen)》之铭言:
: ================================
: 利益揭露:我有卖BA哩程
: ================================
: https://www.britishairways.com/en-us/executive-club/offers/reward-flight-sale
: Book directly with British Airways (BA) between May 31 and June 17, 2018 for
: travel between September 1, 2018 and May 31, 2019. This offer applies to both
: peak and off-peak Avios prices and can be booked by any British Airways
: Executive Club member with a sufficient Avios balance. The required amount of
: Avios for reward flights in the World Traveller Cabin, travelling to or from
: London Heathrow or London Gatwick will be reduced by 50%. Avios & Money
: bookings are included in the offer, but only the Avios will be discounted by
: 50%. Discounts are available on direct one-way and return British Airways
: operated flights in the World Traveller cabin only. Example Avios prices
: shown are for a return journey on off-peak dates. See full Terms and
: Conditions below.
: HKG-LHR = 19500 Avios + $214
: 都没人PO,是因为经济舱+高税金,所以没人有兴趣吗?