cityport (马路不平避震故障)
2017-10-09 06:11:37还剩2个小时
How many players are on an @NFL roster?
Answer with #RewardsPoints before 8pm EDT on 10/8 and score 1,000 points
if you get it right.
答案是 53 #RewardsPoints
※ 引述《cityport (马路不平避震故障)》之铭言:
: 这周的题目是
: In what year was the @NFL founded? Answer with #RewardsPoints by 8pm EDT
: on 9/24 and score 1,000 bonus points if you get it right.
: 答案是1920
: 到这里
: https://twitter.com/MarriottRewards/status/911998705707900928
: 回复 1920 #RewardsPoints
: 台北时间早上8点截止..还有4小时
: ※ 引述《a126963138 (翔)》之铭言:
: : 万豪推特有活动
: : 只要连结推特帐号以及万豪帐号
: : 转推推文正确答案360FT 并且记得TAG #rewardspoints
: : 一千点立刻进帐。
: : 快去答题吧
: : https://twitter.com/MarriottRewards